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~Harry's Pov~
"AND DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING OUT OF THAT ROOM! GET YOUR SHIT DONE AND GO TO BED!" Vernon yelled as I slowly walked up the stairs.

I've had an extremely long day and my back was killing me. I've only sat down once today and that was to fix the flowers on the front.
I've been running around all day trying to get my chores done, make them food, and make sure they have everything they need around the house. I just knew tomorrow would be worse.

I made it to my room and quickly flopped on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I wondered what Draco was doing along with Pansy and Hermione, Blaise, Ron, and Ginny.

I missed being with them every day. I never thought I would miss them watching my every move so much. That was definitely better than this.

I decided to finally get up and ignore the pain in my back and go take a shower. Maybe that would help get rid of it.
Walking towards the bathroom I felt a small pain in my stomach. It was like Lily was pressing against my stomach. It didn't hurt as much as my back so I just ignored it.

Once I got to the bathroom I took my glamour off and stared as myself in the mirror. It was crazy to me how I was actually growing a child.
I was so excited for her to get here. I just knew Draco and I would be the best parents.
I could just imagine all of our years together. One of the moments I was truly excited about was when she was born and Draco was one of the firsts to hold her.

I learned a couple of things about Draco during the time we've been together. He gets very emotional...I never would've imagined Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince, crying over simple moments.
I could just imagine him crying over holding here. That thought made me chuckle as I turned around and turned the shower on.

I went to take my shirt off but I once again felt her pressing up against my stomach. It wasn't any worse than the first time but I did wince as the sudden pain.

"Jeez, Lily, calm yourself. It's not my fault you haven't decided to come yet." I whispered in fear of Vernon or someone else hearing me.

I finally got undressed and got in the shower. I couldn't help but think about the day that I walked in on Draco during his shower and he fucked the shit out of me. I once again chuckled and continued to wash my hair.

I was about to get out but suddenly I felt that pain again. This time it was a tad bit worse. I shrugged that one off and turned the shower off.

I reached for my wand and put my glamour back on and tied a towel around my waist. I groaned as the pain in my back came back, it wasn't as bad anymore.
I quickly dried my hair and got dressed, I had to move as fast as possible so I didn't get caught by the Dursley's on my way out. I wasn't supposed to shower before them but I knew I would fall asleep too quickly to even take one.

I hurried back to my room and threw my clothes on. Right as I was about to get back into bed I felt that pain again. This time it was my back and my stomach.

"What the fuck!" I whisper yelled. I slowly walked over my bed and sat on the edge.

I started thinking of all the possible things that could be wrong with me. She could just be kicking...really hard. It could just be pain from working all day. I tried to stay away from all of the negative thoughts but they kept flooding my mind faster than positive ones. What if something was wrong with her?

I decided to use the one book that I actually had in this room. I've kept it in here for years and it told me anything I wanted to know that was writing down in other books. It was quite interesting, nobody knew about it but me. I found it in the forbidden section in the library.

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