Her First

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(These aren't in order! Every baby develops at a different pace as I just decided to put them in randomly)

~3rd Person Pov~
Lily Luna Potter-Malfoy.
The daughter of Harry James Potter and Draco Lucius Malfoy.

She had a head of curly black hair and her eyes were a deep grey.
She was absolutely adorable and everyone loved her. She had this little smile that tugged on your heart. Then while she sleeper she let out light snores. She loved holding people's fingers playing with others' hair.

Harry and Draco were extremely proud of their baby and everyone knew it. They always had her with them and with that, they were stopped every couple steps so someone could admire her.

Lily grew up faster then anyone expected her to, it was just like that when she was already rolling over.

~Dracos Pov~
Since Harry and I had our own flat we let Lily lay on the floor, on some toy, looking up at the dangling toys while she kicked her feet on the little piano at the end.

She would laugh each time the toy made a noise. Her laugh was super squeally and made me smile every time I heard it.

I looked down from my book to find her laying on her stomach.
My eyes widened as I stared at my child who was looking up at me with bright wide eyes.
She smiled as I put my book down and sat next to her.

"Harry! Harry come here quick!"

I heard him shuffling around before he ran into the room, I looked at him, he had a face full of fear as he stared down at me.

"What?! What happened?!"

"Look! She's on her stomach!"

He looked at me in confusion, obviously having no idea what that was supposed to mean. I sighed and flipped Lily back on her stomach.
He came and sat next to me as we watched her kick her leg over and hold her head up.

She rolled over!

"Did she just...did she just roll over?!" Harry asked with a huge stupid smile on his face.

I nodded my head quickly and picked her up. She laughed as she put her hands in my hair.

She really rolled over!

~3rd person Pov~
Now let's not forgot when she sat up. 

~Harry's Pov~
Draco was somewhere in the flat when I started trying to get Lily comfortable on the couch. I was trying to read something for class and she was doing a little too much moving around.

I groaned and sat her down next to me.
I sat her down next to me. I quickly put my book down prepared to pick her back up. She didn't know how to sit up yet!

But when I looked over at her...she was fine...she was leaning against the back of the couch with a smile on her face and drool running down her chin.

I cocked my eyebrow and scooted her up a bit...was she ready to sit up on her own?

I decided to try and get her to sit up on her own. It made me kind of nervous but she had to learn somehow.

I slowly sat her up in the perfect position and slowly moved my hands back. She started to fall forward and I quickly caught her. I look a deep breath and tried again. This time she started to fall backward.

"Come on, you can do it." I smiled at her, which got me a giggle in return.

This time she rocked a bit before steadying. I froze as I looked at Lily sitting up in front of me.

"DRACO!" I screamed without thinking. I looked down to see her lip ponying out a bit, "Oh it's okay Lily! We're just going to show daddy that you're sitting up."

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