Its A.....

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Today was the big day! The day we would figure out the gender! This was a huge day for everyone that cared because now we could start looking at names and decorate a nursery! Pansy, Ginny, Luna, and I had a great idea that we all thought would make Harry a lot less insecure.

"Gender reveal party!"

"Pansy do you really think that's a good idea? Shouldn't he just know?"

"Ginny! Stop ruining all our fun!"

"Hermione, Luna, what do you think? Pansys idea or mine?"

"Sorry love but I have to agree with Pansy. This is going to be good for him. He'll be able to see that everyone cares and that he has a beautiful life growing inside him."

"I have to agree with Pansy too Ginny. This will make him less insecure. It will be fun."

So that was the plan. We had all finally agreed to throw a huge gender reveal party!
We didn't tell harry though. We only told a couple of people to help with the decorations but when the day came everyone would know and everyone would know to make sure this kept a secret.
From not only Harry but from Draco as well.
There was no way I was going to allow that jerk to show up and ruin this party. This party was to show Harry how much everyone cared and how lucky he was. Draco would just ruin it like he ruined everything else for him.
Now was my time to take my part.
My job was to make sure Madam Pomfrey didn't tell harry anything and to deliver fake wands to the Great Hall.
The idea for this was to countdown then pink or blue sparks would fly out of these fake wands, everyone would get one.

"Madam Pomfrey!" I called bursting through the infirmary doors.

"Oh, Ms.Parkinson what a surprise! What can I do for you today?"

"When is Harry Potter's next appointment?"

"It is tomorrow at 3. He gets to find out the gender! I'm so excited for him."

"That's the problem. We are throwing a huge party for his gender reveal so you can't tell him. Once you and only you know I want you to deliver fake wands to the Great Hall that have either pink or blue sparks in them. You're invited of course."

"Of course. I would love to do that for him."

"Thank you, Madam."

"Of course."

Step one. Check.
Now what I needed to do was get some sleep. I had a lot to do tomorrow.

Now that I'm awake I can get to the decorations. First, all I had to do was make sure meals were not served in the great hall today.


"Ms.Parkinson. What brings you here?"

"As you know Mr.Potter is having a baby. I have taken it upon myself, along with some help, to organize a party to reveal this baby's gender. Now in order to do that meals must be served elsewhere."

"That might be a bit tricky Parkinson."

"I know it's a lot to ask but this party will be great for him."

"I'll have them served to the common rooms. Is that alright."

"That's perfect! The great hall doors mustn't be opened until the party starts at 4 pm."

"I can have something done for you."

"Thank you ever so much."

"Of course Ms.Parkinson."

"Oh and your welcome to come."

"I'll be there."

Step two: getting everyone away from the great all until the party starts. Check.
The next step was to decorate! Now we planned to all decorate together but I'm sending Hermione to the appointment with him so it doesn't seem suspicious.

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