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Avery and I were on our way to check on Harry Potter. I still found it quite funny that he was pregnant with Draco's baby. I mean they were mortal enemies last time I check.

"Do you think it's true? Do you really think he's pregnant or are they just fucking with us?"

"Luis, he seemed serious so I bet it's true. It was a matter of time before they shagged."

I almost fell off my broom when he said that!

"Avery, what do you mean? They've hated each other for over 5 years!"

"Yeah, I know that Luis but Draco has obviously had a huge crush on him! Potter is all he writes and talks about. I knew they were going to shag one day I just didn't think it would happen at 15."

It was around eleven-thirty when we arrived at the small house.
Avery and I were about to hop off our brooms when we saw Potter in the window potting flowers.

"What is he doing?" I whispered to my partner.

"Why is he doing chores? It's almost midnight."

We continued to watch until we saw a boy that looked around Harry's age but just a lot bigger walk up behind him and pull him to the floor and drag him away. Harry tried to fight him off but the other boy was much stronger.
Avery and I looked at each other and went closer to the window for a better view of what was going on.
We watched as a whale of a man forced Harry into this small cabinet under the stairs.

"Did they just?" I whispered as we watched them lock the door.

Avery cast a spell so we could hear every word those muggles said.

"Shut up you ungrateful selfish bitch!" the whaleman said kicking the door.

"Now now Vernon don't use up all your energy on him. That scum isn't worth our time." said a horse looking woman.

"Your right Petunia. Let's head upstairs to tuck Dudley in."

Petunia nodded and followed her husband up the stairs.
We turned around and flew high into the sky.

"Luis did you see all of that!"

"I can't believe Dumbledore let that poor boy come here!"

"Draco's going to be heartbroken."

"Well, let's go then! We can't be wasting any more time we have to let Lucius know what's going on in this horrid house."

We took off as fast as we could and didn't stop until we reached the Malfoy Manor.
I'm here again. Here underneath the stairs, because I put the wrong flowers near the front window.
I was dragged down by my cousin and forced to come back in here. I tried to fight him off but I was weak. I'd been cleaning and cooking all day so I was exhausted.
I don't think I'm ever going back to my room now. I can make the smallest mistake and be thrown in here.
Yesterday I got put in here because I asked to pee twice in the span of 30 minutes. They thought I was making excuses and put me in here for the rest of the day.
I was barely eating. I hadn't eaten since this morning because at lunch and dinner I was being watched my Vernon.
He claimed he didn't want me serving them raw food or anything poisoned.
The kicking in my stomach went on all day today. It felt good knowing that she was okay.
Since I had my wand I decided to take my glamour off. The fact that my stomach wasn't flat anymore made me kind of sad but I was also happy knowing that my baby was safely growing.
I was a bit bigger than I was when I got here which also made me feel a bit insecure. I could only imagine what Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley would say if they saw me like this. I mean they already have so many foul nicknames for me they would just add more. I couldn't even keep track of all the names they've called me.
Freak was the most common.
Ungrateful boy
Ungrateful Brat
Piece of shit
The list goes on and on from there. I could never understand how someone could treat another person like that. I never did anything wrong. I never did anything to them and ever since I was dropped on their doorstep I've been treated like absolute shit.
I wanted to leave. I wanted to run away from this horrid hell hole but there was no way out.
I would unlock the door with this wand but it was no use. This wand was very very weak and I could only use it for certain spells.
If I ran away I would get on the Knight Bus and stay on until I was close to the Manor. Then I could stay with Draco until school started again. I wanted nothing more than to be with him right now. Draco gave me this safe feeling that I could never get from anyone else.
I looked at the small old alarm clock that sat on the shelf when I heard someone coming down the stairs.
It was only 1 why would they be coming down the stairs at this hour.

"Wake up you little slut." I heard my cousin whisper from outside the door.

I quickly put my glamour back on as he opened the door.

"Get up and fix me something to eat! That sad little dinner of you wasn't enough! Fix me something or I'll tell dad that you sneak out every night and whore around. That's something you would do huh you little slut."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cupboard and pushed me into the kitchen.

"Ummm what do you want?" I asked yawning.

He hopped on the counter, "I want a huge ice cream sundae!"

I got out everything I normally use to make his ice cream and throw it all in a bowl.

"Is this what you want?"

"Perfect. Now get back in that closet where you belong you faggot."

I walked out of the room with him following me. I sat down in the middle of the cupboard and listened to him lock the door.
I just wasted 20 minutes of my life and he didn't even thank me. He just pushed me back in this closet to be forgotten about.
"Father you said they'd be back by now! Where are they?! I want to know what's going on in that house!"

"Draco I know! They shouldn't be much longer."

I sat in the Malfoy family chair, that we normally take pictures with, and slouched
(A/N: If you don't know what chair I'm talking about then go all the way to the beginning of the chapter and look at the picture. Also, your welcome for a picture of Malfoy😉I know some of you like him😉)

"Draco sweetheart please try and be patient. They should be here any moment."

I groaned and slouched more in my chair. I didn't want to wait anymore! I wanted to know what was going on but Avery and Luis were taking entirely too long!
I pulled my wife aside as I could talk to her without Draco hearing.

"How far is that house anyway Cissa?"

"Oh, it's pretty far. I mean it must be saying they've been gone for over four hours."

"I don't think Draco is going to last much longer."

"He'll be okay. It's only a-"

As we were talking the doors burst open to reveal Avery and Luis.
Draco got up and ran towards them.

Word Count: 1300
Publish Date: May 18, 2020

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