Pansy and Hermione

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I had a plan. It was a crazy plan and I didn't know if it would work but if it did it would change everything.
My plan was to get Draco and Potter to start being civil. Not just for their sake but also for the baby.
First I had to get Blaise and me to become friends or at least civil with Granger and Weaselbee.
I walked into the Great Hall with Blaise.

"Hold on one minute. I have business to take care of."

"What kind of business, Pansy?"

"Don't worry about it."

He shrugged his shoulder and walked over towards our table and I walked towards the Gryffindor table.
A couple of them looked at me strangely but I didn't mind their stares. I knew I was gorgeous.
I walked up behind Granger and tapped her on the shoulder.
She slowly turned around and gave me a pretty nasty look.

"Granger. A word."

Her eyes went a bit wide and she turned back to Harry, "One second."

She turned back to me and nodded her. We walked out of the room and went down a couple of halls until I pulled her into an empty classroom.
I closed the door and locked it. She must have thought I wanted to shag because she went super red and backed up.

"Oh, calm down Granger. I didn't bring you here to shag, your absolutely gorgeous but that's not why we're here."

Her face stayed a bit red but she came a bit closer, "ummm...what is it then?"

I took a deep breath, "I need your help. Draco is being unreasonable. He doesn't see how important he is in this situation. I want him in the baby's life. I want him to be the father I know he can be."

She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, hot as fuck.

"I agree. Your little friend is being ridiculous! Harry needs him! I can't give him everything he needs! Malfoy needs to be there!"

"Calm down Granger. I'm ordered to do this I'm calling a truce."

"A truce?"

"Yes." I stuck my hand out waiting for her to shake it.

She slowly took my hand, her face going a tad bit red.

"Now we need to talk about everything," I said digging my wand out of my school bag.
At the wave of my wand, the room was much more comfortable.
We both sat down on beanbags and got a bunch of pillows and blankets, getting as comfortable as possible.

"Now where do we start?" she asked nervously.

"Well, I was hoping you could talk to me about Harry first." I picked up the tea that was next to me and sipped it.

"Well, Harry is quite upset at what Draco did. He gets sick every morning. I think that having Draco with him would be so much better than having me. Draco is the father of his baby! I mean if Harry needs anyone it's him! Draco seemed to have taken a great liking towards him at the party. I mean drunken sayings are sober thoughts, that's what I've always heard. I think a truce between them would be better for the baby. The baby needs both parents in its life, this innocent baby doesn't even know what's going on. I don't want them to have Draco absent then wonder who their other father is."
after her side, she picked up her tea and drank it.

"I one hundred percent agree. Draco has told me he wants absolutely no part in this baby's life and claims that it's not his. He says he doesn't care about breaking his family rules and doesn't care what Harry does with the baby. He laughed in Blaise and I's face when we told him he had to take part. He has no interest in being a father to this baby. It's absolutely disgusting and outrageous. He even told poor harry to abort it. I can't imagine what goes through his head I mean he's only 15 and he's walking the halls pregnant."

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