Excuse me

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~Ginnys Pov~
Pansy and Hermione invited me and the boys to go shopping for the day and of course, we took the offer.
We decided to let Draco stay home after finding out he was having a break down in his room.

We all were having a lot of fun. Pansy, Hermione, and I tried on hundreds of outfits and bought many things. We could tell the boys were bored but it didn't really matter.

We shopped, ate lunch, got ice cream, and shopped some more. We even made the boys hold all of our bags as we walked in front of them.

Did I feel bad?


I mean Blaise was enjoying himself. He has had a pitty crush on my brother forever and never really talked to him. Now that Draco wasn't here Ronald was the only person he would talk to. They seemed to be having a bit of fun. I heard them laugh a lot and talk as we walked store to store.

We stopped again to grab something small to eat. We sat at this round table and talked about nonsense for around 30 minutes until an owl landed on the table making a mess of everything.

"Stupid owl! Get out of here!" Pansy snapped trying to shoo the owl away.

"Wait! Pansy, there's a letter!" Blaise untied the letter and started to read. It seemed like everything was fine until his eyes went wide.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Hermione asked she could tell there was actually something wrong.

"Lilys here." His concedes face went into a huge smile, "The baby's here!" He got up and started running.

Pansy and Hermione exchange happy looks like the hot up and started following Blaise.
Ron and I stayed behind and waiting until they were long gone before speaking again.

"You ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Let's go get our baby."

~Pansy's Pov~
After Blaise told us Harry had the baby we all ran as fast as we could to the nearest floo.
We threw the powder down and instantly were standing in St Mungo's.

Apparently, the word of the new baby spread around fast because all you could hear were comments about it.
Some people were even asking to go into the room, which I found crazy.

I pushed through the crowd making sure Hermione was holding onto me, I didn't want to lose her in this.

I eventually got to the front desk and the lady looked at me like I was crazy.

"Look. You cannot go to see Harry Potter. He's with his boyfriend. You are not allowed to go into that room."

"Excuse me? Don't start with me. My name is Pansy Parkinson and I'm here to see my friend. He just had a baby and I would like to see her."

"Oh yes. They are expecting you. Room 221."

I rolled my eyes at her and lead Blaise and Hermione out of the crowd. We got into the elevator and waited patiently as it went up.

"She's going to look like Draco. Just wait!" Hermione squealed holding onto my arm.

"Don't forget that she'll have Harry's hair, Hermione," Blaise added on.

They were both crazy if they really thought that this child was going to look like Draco. It was obvious that she was going to look like Harry.

We finally got off the elevator and was surprised at how empty the halls were. I expected one of these doors to be crowded with people.

"Why is it so quiet?" Blaise whispered.

"It's obvious. Harry got put in a VIP suite. He's famous."

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