April 30th

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I was officially freaking out now.
It was finally the last day of April and that means this baby could come any second now.
Hermione and I came up with a plan, someone has to be with him at all times. He is not allowed to be alone.
He gotta go to the bathroom? One of us has to go too.
He wanna take a shower? I have to be there too.
I knew us being up to his ass all the time would eventually start to get on his nerves but this is serious!

We were on our way to meet the rest of the group in Hermione and Pansy's little private classroom. The whole group knew about what we were planning on doing except Harry. We just wanted to make sure he would never be alone again.

"Draco?" I looked down and saw that my boyfriend had tears in his eyes. A small gasp escaped my lips as I threw my arms around him and held him close to me.

"What's the matter? Are hurting?"

He shook his head no and continued to sob into my chest.

"I d-don't t-think I c-can do this, Draco."

I put my hand on the back of his head and held him closer. I didn't dare to say anything. He was terrified and no matter how hard I tried I knew that fear wouldn't go away. 
I just let him let out all his emotions. People walked past and gave us strange looks but none of that mattered.

It took a couple minutes but the sobbing finally stopped and so did the heavy breathing.

"Hey," I tried to get him to look up at me but he didn't move, "Harry, look at me." He slowly rose his head and looked up at me with puffy eyes. Just looking at him like that made my heart soften, "It's going to be okay. I promise. I'll be with you every step of the way. We're going to do this together."

He nodded his head and I planted a innocent kiss on his lips.
We just looked at each other as I pulled away from that kiss, his eyes were glasses over and puffy.

"I love you, Draco." He whispered pulling me back into that hug.

"I love you too."

          ~~~~~~~Pansy's Pov~~~~~~~

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" I yelled, stomping around the classroom.

We had all planned to meet up and explain to Harry how someone would be with him at all times. Draco told me how scared he was so we decided to tell him that we would always be there for him.

"Honey, please calm down. They'll be here any minute." I felt my girlfriend put her hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

"Yo Pansy! You need to calm yourself down! Let them have a minute! Harry's pregnant for god sake!"

I turned around and stared daggers at Blaise. We've been in here for hours! I can't stay in a room for more then an hour!

"They're probably having sex again or something." I mumbled plopping myself down on the couch. 

I watched as everyone's eyes went wide at what I had just said. It was probably true!

"When did they have sex?!" Weaselette ran over towards me and sat a bit too close. I shifted a bit and rolled my eyes.

"Ughhhh! Not too long ago."

Hermione was fishing something out of her bag while I told everyone about what Draco had told me. I didn't give them too much information because that was none of their business.
As I was finishing Hermione ran over and handed me a blue pill. I looked up and her in confusion but she told me to take it.

"What's it do." I snapped as she handed me a glass of water.

"It's going to calm you down. You don't need to be acting like this when they get here so take it."

I crossed my arms like a child and slouched, but quickly straightened up when she leaned forward and whispered, "Or no sex for a month."

I threw that pill in my mouth and chugged that water as fast as I could. She smiled innocently and laid her head in my chest. I swear, she seems like the most innocent person but she has a dark and kinky side. How dare she tease me like that.

"So...what do you think of the summer situation?" Weaselbee asked, "I mean should the baby really be going to his manor? Isn't it dangerous?"

Everyone looked around at each other not having a clue why he would say something like that. Was that even his place?

"Ronald Weasley. Where would you get something like that?" Hermione sat up and looked at the redhead across the room.

It seemed like Ginny was all onboard about what he was saying by the look of her face. Then we had Blaise who was chuckling and acting like he was tucking hair behind his ear. He's such an idiot.

"Hermione! I mean shouldn't she come with us? I mean the burrow is much safer for a baby and Harry has known us way longer then Malfoy."

"He's right. The baby should come home with us."

Blaise, Hermione, and I couldn't believe what we were hearing. He had no right to say those things. He was the one who wanted the baby aborted.

"Ron," Blaise got up and sat down next to Hermione, distancing himself from the two near the back wall, "You don't have a right to say where this child goes. It doesn't matter if you know him more. Draco is the other father and has every right to take the baby to the Manor. His parents are responsible and respectful. They know how to take care of a baby."

Rob rolled his eyes and left the room, leaving his sister behind to deal with us herself. She looked like she had no idea what to say next. It surprised me that she was still sitting there.

"Just think about. She could be much happier with us." She whispered making her way towards the door.

Once she was finally gone the three of us had an eye conversation.
There was no way they had just said that about them. Neither of them had the right to say where that child was going.
We all were taken out of our thoughts when we heard the door swing open.

"Sorry we're late. We had a...talk." Draco said opening the door for his boyfriend.

They are not going to believe what those two doors had just said.
Word Count: 1227
Publish Date: July 8
Hey y'all!!! This chapter is kinda stupid...it's just a fill chapter but the baby will be here in...should I tell y'all how many chapters? I'll give you a hint...it's less then 10.
Also I just watched 365 Days and let me tell y'all🤤 that movie was makin me feel some kinda way👀👀
I have also decided to write a story based on it. I don't know how many of y'all ship Bakudeku but I do so I'm going to be writing a Mafia Au on them. Ima try to make it hot asf😌
I hope y'all liked this chapter!!!!! I'll have a better one out soon! Love y'all❤️

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