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~Draco's Pov~
I woke up slowly and rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light of the morning sun.
I looked down at the person who I just had my arms around moments ago and smirked at the thought of being able to raise a baby with him soon.
Waking up next to him was one of my favorite things. I always woke up first and this gave me a chance to admire him without him becoming a flustered mess.

I was playing with his hair when I heard the doors open. I looked over and saw Pansy, she had a smirk on her face but when she looked at me her face softened.

"What's wrong?"

She slowly walked towards us and sat on the other side of the bed, "Draco...we leave today. Remember?"

No...I didn't remember. I forgot all about this stupid break. He's going to have this baby without me because he'll be at that stupid house. That stupid hell hole of a house.

"He's no going there. He's not fucking going there," I stood and threw my shoes on, "Stay with him. I'll be right back."

She nodded and replaced me in the bed.
My head was full of negativity as I marched down the halls towards Dumbledores office. How could he let him go there with a child! He hasn't even had her yet! He's going to go into labor at that house!

I whispered the password very quickly and didn't wait for an invention to come in.

"Hey! Dumbledore!" I snapped stomping into the room.

He looked up from his book with a very confused expression. It was a mixture of confusion and anger.

"Mr.Malfoy, what are you doing in here?! Did I say you could enter?!"

"No, but I came in anyway." I snapped back. He stood up and came around his desk.

I was risking getting expelled right now but it was worth it. There's no way I was allowing this.

"What do you need?! What could you possibly need at this hour?!"

"Let him come with me!"

His face went red as I asked him again to let Harry come to the manor with me. I've asked so many times and each time I got the same answer. He's the most powerful wizard in the world why can't he fix the school's system?!

"Get out, Mr.Malfoy."

"NO! He's coming to the manor with me! He is! It's dangerous there! How could you allow this?! He hasn't even had her yet! He gets treated like a slave there!"

"He's going and that's final! Now get out of my office before I expel you and Harry!"

I rolled my eyes and stormed out of the office, not wanting the risk of Harry's education.
What am I supposed to do!? How am I going to make sure he's okay if that old man won't let him come to the manor with me.

~Harry's Pov~
I woke up with Pansy holding me close to her chest. She told me that Draco had gone to try and get me to go somewhere safer for the summer.
I don't know why he keeps trying...Dumbledore isn't what he seems. He doesn't care. He was the one who left me at that house in the first place.

"Harry? Are you okay?" She was looking down at me and wiped a tear off my face. I didn't even know I was crying.

"I need Draco," I whispered looking down. I wanted to be held my Draco. I wanted to be able to hear his heartbeat. I wanted to be able to smell the vanilla that came off of him.

"He should be here soon. He told me he would be back." I nodded my head and laid back down.

It wasn't long before Draco opened the doors with his head down and walked towards us. Pansy got up and left Draco and me alone.
I sat up quickly and reached my arms out towards him. He smirked and got back on the bed, allowing me to cuddle up close to him once again.

"I'll be there," he whispered, "I promise you that I'll be there. I'll be there to hold your hand. I'll be there I promise."

I felt more tears start flowing down my face as I thought of me going into labor doing chores or walking door the stairs for breakfast.

Draco and I stayed there as long as we could but of course, it was ruined.
The door to the infirmary slowly opened and Blaise poked his head in.

"Hey...I'm sorry to interrupt but you need to start getting ready. We're leaving soon."

Dracos grip became tighter as Blaise spoke. I knew he was scared and didn't want me to leave. I didn't want to leave either.

Draco quickly got us both ready and we headed down towards the carriages. He watched my every step, making sure I didn't trip or something.
The carriage ride was silent. Draco has his arm around me the entire time and across from us Blaise and Hermione exchange quick glances.

When we boarded the train Pansy told everyone to let us have our own compartment so we could have our last couple hours to ourselves.
I'm not too sure where the others went off to but Draco and I sat in our own little compartment. He had his back against the window and I had mine against his chest. I took my glamour off and his hands immediately went to my stomach. I giggle a bit at the action and felt him kiss the top of my head.

We didn't talk much during the ride, we just enjoyed each other's company.

Eventually, I had fallen asleep and I didn't even realize it till the train came to a jerking stop. Dracos grip on me became tighter to make sure I didn't fly forward.

~Dracos Pov~
The worst part of this whole train ride was getting off. Once I get off this train I'll be in constant fear of him going into labor.

"It's going to be okay," I whispered squeezing him tighter.

He nodded his head and wiped his face.
We waited till the alley wasn't crowded to get off. We grabbed all of our things and stepped off the train and instantly started getting pushed around but all the kids trying to find their parents.

"Harry I-" Before I could finish my sentence his lips met mine. It was a quick kiss but it was enough for my eyes to start glossing over. I pulled him to my chest and held him as tight as I could.

"I love you so much, Draco."

"I love you too. I love you so so much."

I wanted to hold on for as long as possible but he slowly pulled back and gave me a quick smile before walking away. He pushed through the crowds and quickly disappeared.
I stared at the stop where I had last seen him for a while before hearing the sounds of my mother calling my name.

"Draco! Draco, baby, come here!" I rolled my eyes at that stupid nickname and walked over towards my parents.

Mother took me into a long hug while my father messed up my hair. This was not the time for hugs though. I pulled back from my mother's hug and tried to fix my hair.

"I want to have people checking on Harry. He's overdue. His water is going to break at that house and I want him checked on."
This chapter is so ugly and rushed I am so sorry. I swear the next chapter is going to be better.
Also why is this story so close to 10k reads😭 Tysm😭💕

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