The Dursley's

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I watched as Draco walked to his parents, he looked back a couple of times but I decided to leave and start my four-hour walk.
Yes, I had to walk to the Dursley's because they wouldn't pick me up anymore.
I walked through the crowded station for a couple of minutes, being pushed and shoved by all the younger years trying to get to their parents.
Once I reached the exit I sighed and thought about the long walk ahead of me.
It started off okay but I got tired fairly quickly. I had to pee too. Like really bad.
Once I was in the neighborhood I sat on a bench in front of a playground. I needed to take a quick breather before I went into that house. They were waiting upon my arrival.
I knew the moment I walked in that house I would either get hit or ordered around. I wish I was at the Manor with Draco. They wouldn't order me around, hit me, or throw me in that small cupboard under the stairs if I did something wrong.
I took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way.
The door was unlocked as I suspected. I slowly opened the door covering my face in case someone was there to hit me but nobody was.

"Mom! Mom! I hear him! I hear him!" I heard Dudley scream from upstairs. Then I saw him sharply turn the corner and stare at me from the top of the stairs.

"It's about time you got here you ungrateful piece of shit!" Vernon yelled opening the kitchen door.

I haven't even noticed Petunia sitting on the couch reading a book. She lowered her reading glasses and stared at me.
At this moment they were all cornering me from different parts of the house staring at me.
I didn't want to be here at all. I wanted to run away. I wanted to run to Draco.

"Well, what the fuck are you doing boy! Get in that kitchen and get to work! We've been waiting  all night for your ass to get here!" Vernon said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a mess. It looked like they hadn't washed a single dish since I left. It looked like they hadn't done a thing since I left but eat pizza and drink sodas.
Vernon pushed me up against the sink and stared daggers at me.
I didn't know what he was doing but I just stood there putting my hand slowly over my stomach, making sure he wouldn't even get close to touching her.

"Have our dinner done in 30-minute brat or you'll sleep under the stairs."

I nodded my head and he waddled out of the room.
I threw together something quick and put it on the table. I stood there looking at the food I wouldn't even get a piece off and sighed.
I walked out of the kitchen and stood in the doorway of the living room.

"What is it you freak?!" Petunia hissed.

"Umm, your dinner is ready."

"It's about time," Dudley got up and ran towards me shoving me out of the way, "move retard!"

I got out of their way and went upstairs to try and get a bit of rest before they called me down to clean up their mess.
I tried to fall asleep but there was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep so I decided to write to Draco.

Dear Draco,
I know it's only been a couple of hours but I already miss you. You know I've only been here for a couple of hours and I've already been ordered around. I wish me


I sighed and put down my quill. As much as I wanted to write to him I knew I would be locked in that cupboard if I didn't listen.
I quickly ran down the stairs and got to work.

"Have these done fast boy. We're going up to the bed and I don't want to hear from you." Vernon hissed and walked out.

I didn't waste a second and started washing. I got done in about 10 minutes and quietly walked out the stairs hoping not one step squeaked but of course one did.
I heard the sound of Vernon walked around upstairs. I was in the middle of the steps. I saw her turn the corner and stare at me.

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