Month 5

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It was around the end of January and Harry and I have been together for a couple of weeks. We were a lot happier then we were when we first started for sure. It seemed like everything went back to before Christmas break.
There was no time for any of that stuff though I was more worried about our baby! This week was the 2nd week of common miscarries and I was not playing around.

"Draco, I'm going to have a miscarriage!"

"Harry, listen to me," I grabbed his shoulders and looked into his eyes, "our baby is going to be okay."

"But what if she's not! What if something terrible happens!"

"Harry. Everyone is going to be watching you and if anything seems off I'll take you to the infirmary immediately."

We finished off our conversation with him shedding a couple of tears but he quickly dried them when we saw it was time to go to double Potions.
On the way there we met Hermione, Ron, Pansy, and Blaise, we all decided to walk together so everyone had at least one eye on him. For the most part, he seemed okay, he did look a bit pale but I had already asked Pomfrey about that and she said it was normal.

"How's he doing Draco?" Pansy whispered while walking.

I slowed my walking pace a bit so we could stay behind and talk, "Pansy, he's so worried. This morning he bawled his eyes out thinking he was going to lose her. What if he does?"

"Draco there's no way you'll lose that baby. Harry's super careful."

"I guess your right Pans."

Draco realized how long he had been away from Harry and ran to catch up with him. He didn't want to have anyone else take him to the infirmary if something happened.
"Hermione, do you see that? Look at them!"

Hermione and I watched as Harry and Draco held hands walking down the halls. We had successfully got them together and I don't think either of us would change that for anything! I mean they're absolutely perfect together!

"I do see them, Pansy! Look at them holding hands. Draco's so worried about him."

"I think everything's going to be fine. Nothing could go wrong. I mean Draco makes sure that Harry stays safe and does everything right."

Hermione nodded as we walked into the room. We all got seated being scattered around the room. Blaise was with Harry, I was with Thomas, Hermione was with Neville, and Draco was with Nott. Just because we were all around the room doesn't mean we weren't watching Harry every second we could.
We were all making our potions when I remember how smells triggered him so I turned around to look.
He was really pale and woozy. He looked like he was going to throw up, I stood up to go check on him and he fell to the floor.

"Harry!" I heard Draco yell as he ran across the room.

Blaise got out of his seat, Hermione ran over along with Ron and I and we all tried to get him back up. He was unconscious but had a pretty stable pulse.

"Harry! Harry! Harry wake up! Harry, please wake up!" I looked over and saw Draco with tears coming down his face.

"What's going on over here!" Snape hissed as he ran over, he looked down at Harry who was passed out and his eyes went wide, "Mr.Malfoy! Take him to the infirmary immediately! Class dismissed!"

Draco picked Harry up and ran out of the room faster then any of us could. We tried to catch up with him but we lost him in the crowd and we didn't see him again. He had literally disappeared into the crowd.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Hermione asked the group as we slowed down to catch our breath.

"He'll be okay. I know he will. He's Potter he's survived everything." Blaise said putting his arm around Hermione.
"Draco?" I heard a faint voice say. I looked down and saw Harry's eyes flutter open.

"Shhhhh, it's okay I've got you. We're almost there." I slowed down so I was walking. I didn't want to freak him out more than he probably already was.

"Draco what happens? What's going on?"

I didn't say anything I just looked down on him. I didn't say anything until we reached the infirmary. Harry was still very woozy but he stayed awake the entire time.

"Madam Pomfrey! Harry passed out during potions!"

"Oh, dear!" I heard from around the corner.

I laid him down on the bed in the very back like I had been the past months. He still tried to fully understand but happen but I wanted to let Pomfrey answer all his questions.
I watched as she checks out the baby and Harry after his fall.

"Now Harry I know you had no control over your fall but I ask you to be very careful. This month is very serious but other than that she's okay and so are you."

"So what's wrong with him? Why did he pass out!?"

"Draco don't worry he's okay it was just his body getting prepared for birth. It's a very hard thing for a boy to go through so his body is making sure he's ready for all of that."

I looked down at harry who looked horrified. I hated to see him like this and I couldn't help but feel guilty...I did this to him and there was no way of getting out of it now.
If only he hadn't been drunk! Of course, he didn't regret his baby girl but if he hadn't been drunk and controlling Harry wouldn't be going threw all of this pain!
Word Count: 1092
Publish Date: June 3, 2020

Sorry for the wait but I was a bit busy and I was planning out another story! No, I'm not giving up on this one but writing about them being all sappy gets a bit boring sometimes so I decided to do something more fun. The story is called 'This Is Wrong' it's basically about Harry and Draco having a secret relationship and cheating on their girlfriends. I find it interesting and if you think you would be interested in that it would make me happy if you went and checked it out :) Draco isn't so happy, well he is but only to Pansy but that doesn't even last that long. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying my story :)

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