Fall Break

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Fall Break. The break we get every other year. Fall Break is more of an award then something the school just does for us. Some people get to go on break and some don't. It seems cruel but their parents sign off on it so it's kind of all on the parents. This year I got to go home, there have been years where I didn't get to go home but this year I get to. I get to be out of this school for two weeks but that also means two weeks with mother and father. I knew the moment I walked through the floo there would be so many questions being thrown my way.

"Draco! Let's go we are going to miss the carriages!" Pansy called from the door opening.

I got my things and walked out with them.

"It's about time Draco."

"Shut Up, Blaise."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Blaise," I said squinting my eyes.

He laughed and continued to walk. We walked past the Great Hall doors, which were open for some reason, and guess who I saw! Potter. He and Granger were the only ones there he had his head on the table and Granger looked like she was trying to get him to get up. That's all I saw before we were pasted the door.

"What the fuck are they doing?" I asked the two people on my sides.

"Well, Potter is staying here. He didn't get in trouble, he just didn't want to go home." Pansy said shifting the bags in her hands.

"Probably has the perfect home life! He's the golden boy and all."

We walked down to the carriages and got in my private one. Being a Malfoy has a lot of advantages, I don't have to share barley anything!

"So Draco, have you said anything to him?" I looked at the person across from me like they were crazy!
I told them I wanted absolutely no part in this kids life!

"Pansy! I don't want anything to do with the fetus! I don't want it! I don't understand why he could've just aborted it. I wouldn't be in this mess."

Blaise was looking out the window giving no care in the world about our conversation but I knew pansy wasn't going to stop.

"Draco! This is your baby! A mini Malfoy! Don't you want a mini you! Don't you want an heir? You wouldn't have to marry Astoria! I know you hate her."

"Pansy. I do hate Astoria, she's an annoying little 3rd year and the world does not need another me. One Draco Malfoy is enough."

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as I heard a small chuckle from Blaise.

We got out of the carriages and boarded the train.
I already knew this was going to be a long two weeks.

We arrived at Kings Cross Station about two or three hours later and the moment I stepped out of the train I saw the angry faces of mother and father.

"Good Luck, Draco." I heard Blaise whisper

"Yeah, thanks." I said back before walking up to my parents. "mother...father..."

They didn't say a word, father picked up my bags and followed mother to the floo. Any minute they would explode on me. I could just feel it.

We appeared back at the manor and father dropped my bags.

"Dobby!" not even two seconds later our small house-elf was right in front of us.

"Yes, Master Malfoy?"

"Take Dracos bags up to his room."

Dobby nodded his head and started to drag my things away.
I went to turn around and say something to them but they were walking away, arms linked like always.
I signed and walked up to my room.
I can't believe potter got me into this mess.
Well, actually it's my mess too but he's the one controlling it! I told him to get rid of it but of course, he wouldn't.
There's nothing I could do! I mean he's the one carrying it! Why are they mad at me, I told him exactly what I think was best for the both of us and of course he didn't listen.

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