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"You know we don't have to do this. I was being a jerk and I totally understand if you don't walk in here like this."

Harry and I talked a bit more about this relationship and decided we would take it extremely slow and right now we were just holding hands. A simple handheld.

"Harry come on let's go eat."

I pushed the doors open and we walked to the Gryffindor table hand in hand. Once we reached the table I let go and he sat down in between Hermione and Ron.

"Do you want me to stay? I can if you want me to."

"Draco it's fine to go sit with Blaise and Pansy."

"If you say so."

I walked to the Slytherin table trying to ignore all of the stares coming from the rest of the students. I decided to keep my attention on Pansy and Blaise. Pansy of course was being a mess and looking at me with the widest of eyes and Blaise, well Blaise wasn't paying too much attention.
Once I was seated Started rambling.

"Draco! Did I just see what I thought I saw?!"

I looked up from my food and at pansy, "What are you talking about Pansy?"

"DRACO! You walked in here holding hands! Are you together!"


I try to make this look as casual as possible but Pansy loved romance and anything to do with love so I knew she was going to enjoy this moment.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS! Tell me every detail."

"Blaise?" I said and my friend looked at me with tired eyes, "Do you want me to tell you everything about this?"

"Not to burst your bubble Draco but I don't care as much as a pansy."

I smirked and looked at Pansy, "So fuck off Pansy."

She groaned and clung to my arm, "Please Draco! I'll give you anything!"

I smirked and looked down and my brown-eyed friend, "Anything?"

She nodded her head yes and gave me a huge smile. I already knew what I wanted but I was going to use this against her for a while.

"So. Harry and I had sex again."

Blaise dropped his fork and started choking on his food, Pansy turned and helped but once that was all over they both turned and looked at me. Blaise smirked and started to laugh and Pansy continued to look surprised.

"Are you serious! When!"

"Yesterday, in my compartment. I apparated so we could skip the speech."

"So Draco," Blaise said laughing, "You had sex with him again."

I nodded my head and shoved food into my mouth.

"Draco I need all of the details!"

" I have to second that."

Of course they wanted to know all about my sex life! They would know if I left something out to! It's like a secret superpower!

"So I went up to him and kissed him in front of the crowd."

"Hold on!" Pansy interrupted, "You're telling me you kissed him in front of a bunch of people and I didn't even see it!"

I nodded my head yes and continued my story, "So after that, I brought him to my compartment and we had sex. Well, neither of us wanted to see anyone so I apparated is to my room."

Pansy banged her head on the table and Blaise turned around and started to laugh even more! I didn't see what was funny. Like at all.

"Blaise would you like to share what's so funny."

"Draco," he said turning around, "I should've known you had sex! I mean look at you! Your wearing sweats and a hoodie, your hair is greasy, and you smell like cum!"

My eyes went wide when I noticed I didn't take a shower after all that! Now it was my turn to bang my head on the table. I can't believe it I walked in here looking like a hot ass mess and nobody told me!

"Draco pick your head up and finish telling me everything!"

I didn't pick my head I just moved a little so she could see my face and I could see hers.

"We're together now Pansy. That's all there is to it."

"Tell me how it went." She put her head down next to mine.

I sighed knowing she would never give it up, "Well, I didn't know how I felt after we did it so I left to think. He got extremely upset and we argued about it for a couple of minutes then it was all good. Now we're together. We're talking it slow though. No I love you. No sex. No dirty talk. None of that shit."

"Awww are you okay?"

"Yeah Pansy I'm fine. I just don't know how long we can be together. A year at know because of my family shit."

"It's going to be okay." She whispered putting her arms around me.

Was It going to be okay? Or was this a mistake? I knew I liked harry but this was dangerous.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the future has for me.
I put my head up and started to watch Harry. Not in like an obsession way, more of a 'what are you doing' way.

"Draco? Draco you're staring at him."

"Blaise shut your mouth I'm just seeing what he's doing."

"No Draco you want to look at him! He's eating breakfast with Ron and Hermione. That's what he's been doing."

I sighed and banged my head on the table again.
"So you're telling me Draco didn't know how he felt even though he kissed you first and made the first move?"

"Yeah Hermione."

"And you had with him."

"Yes Hermione. We had sex again."

I was still kind of upset about how Draco reacted when he woke up. I thought we were going to wake up and talk about being together and our future but that didn't happen. Instead we yelled at each other and fought. It hurt I'm not going to lie because I've liked Draco about 2 years and when we had may have looked like I hated him with all my guts but I told myself I hated him so I could trick myself into hating him like I thought I did. I told everyone I hated him including myself. Once he kissed me I thought I had finally got him but apparently, it was harder than that.

"So now you together?"


"That's strange. Harry doesn't that seem strange to you? It seems like he did it because you wanted to."

"It probably was the reason he agreed, but I don't care. He said yes so now we're here."

Hermione sighed and went back to her food. I was hoping to god he didn't just say yes because he knew I liked him. That would be super embarrassing.
Word Count: 1261
Publish Date: May 21, 2020

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