A Month Passed

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It's been a whole month since I found out I got pregnant! I told Malfoy and his parents but guess what, he hasn't done anything. He hasn't been here for me. He told his parents that he would help but he's been being more of a man whore than ever! It kind of hurt my feelings to see the other father of my child going around giving all these girls pleasure. I didn't want pleasure from him! It's just, I kind of want him to be here for the baby.
He hasn't asked if I was okay, he hasn't asked if he could do anything, he won't even look at me. I tried to get his attention but he smirked and walked away. I was on my own. The only person that ever really asked if I was okay was Hermione. I was so grateful for her, she always asked me if I was feeling okay.
I knew Malfoy would never do that for me so Hermione was the best I could get. It would be nice to have my baby know who their father is though.
I knew they didn't need him because they had me. I would be the one to raise them to the best they could be. I knew Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy would try and help but I didn't want my baby to be apart of the Malfoy name since he didn't want to help.
God, I was really alone.

"Harry, are you alright?" Ginny asked putting her hand on my shoulder.
I looked over and Hermione and she just nodded her head.

"Yeah, Ginny, I'm alright I'm just exhausted."

She smiled at me and went back to talking to Luna.
I still couldn't believe he lied like that.

The next morning I woke up a puking mess. Hermione tried to help and Ron...he walked out of the room.

"Hermione, I cant do this. I can't have this baby."

"Harry, look at me," I turned and look at me and she put her hands on my shoulders. "you can do this. You can raise this baby to the best they can be! You are going to be a stupendous father. You don't need Malfoy. You don't need his family. I will be here for you."

I felt tears form in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. I cleaned myself up and we headed to breakfast.
Along the way Hermione stopped Malfoy walking towards us, she told me to turn around but I knew I would have to face him one day, might as well be now.
We all continued to walk until we met at the Great Hall doors.

"Excuse us," Hermione said reaching for the door.

"Now now Granger let me get that for you."

Hermione seemed surprised as he opened the door for her. I knew what he was about to do so I didn't move.
As I thought the moment she walked in he slammed the door.

"Listen, Potter, I'm tired of you complaining! I don't want that," he pointed at my stomach. "I don't want anything to do with that! I back down as the role of the father! I don't want a Potter in my family line and this baby will not be the start of it, so get lost." He opened the door super fast and pushed me inside.

I walked over to Hermione and sat by her.

"What was that all about?"

I put my head on the table and mumbled, "He told me he doesn't want it."

"What a prat!" she put her hand on my shoulder hoping it would comfort me.

"Hey, Mione."

It was Ron, after walking out he decides to walk back in and sit with us. He's been no help at all. He's pissed off I'm going to be giving birth to a Malfoy.

"Ronald. What are you doing here."

"Can't I say hello to my girlfriend?"

"You could've said hello to me this morning but you walked right past me."

"Babe it's not like that."

"Then what is it, Ronald!"

I kept my head down. I didn't want to see his face. I knew he was so mad at me.

"It's him." I heard him whisper. "the baby is a Malfoy!"

"It doesn't matter! You need to leave right now. We are through."

"Fine! Like I wanted to help."

I felt Ron get up and I turned my head so I could see Hermione, she didn't even look upset.

"Are you okay Hermione?"

"Harry, I'm perfectly fine I'm more worried about you."


"Draco, why were your parents here? I saw them walking down the hall."

"Blaise, I'm going to tell you a secret, you cannot tell a single soul!"

"I swear I won't."

"Potter is pregnant with my baby and he snitched and my parents want me to take responsibility," I whispered in his ear.

His eyes went super wide and he slowly turned his head to face me. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.

"Of course, I'm not going to hell though. I mean he can deal with it on his own."

"Draco, you have to help!"

"Umm, where's Blaise?"

"Draco, this is serious! What if it's a Malfoy heir! You won't have to marry Astoria!"

"Shut the fuck up before someone hears you." I covered his mouth with my hand. "I do not care about Potter or that kid."

He moved my hand and gave me a nasty look. "Draco, come on! You're not going to do anything?"

"What is he not doing?" Pansy cut in.

"Stay in your lane Pansy!"

"Draco I just want to know! We used to be friends and we talked!"

"Pansy dear we are friends but I can only tell Blaise now stay in your lane."

I turned back to Blaise and he crossed his arms, "What?"

"Draco this is wrong. I know we all very much dislike him but that's Malfoy blood."

I groaned and put my head on the table. He was right, but I still didn't care! If I helped Potter would think I was okay with him and him getting pregnant! I was not okay with it at all! I don't want a kid! I'm 15! If I didn't help then everyone would think I was a dead beat dad!
You know what.
I don't care.
I hope he has fun with it.
It's been a couple of hours since my interaction with Malfoy and it was now time to see if the baby was okay.

"Madam Pomfrey?" I asked as I walked in the infirmary.

"Oh harry there you are I thought you weren't coming. Lie down and we will get started."

I did what she asked and before I knew it that cold jelly substance was on my stomach.
A couple of minutes passed and the monitor picked up a sound. It was a small heartbeat.

"There's your baby!" she said pointing at the screen. "Just the size of a grain of rice."

I felt the tears coming as I smiled. I knew the baby on the screen was a Potter-Malfoy but I was growing a human life. It was absolutely amazing. I couldn't wait for them to be born. I was so excited to see my baby.

"Would you like pictures?"

I nodded my head yes and she handed me a couple of pictures.
Before I knew it I was back on my bed looking at the pictures I had gotten.
I pulled out a small book, wrote the date on the back of the pictures, and put the pictures inside.
It was a small picture book, this would probably be the only time I would get a chance to grow a baby so I might as well savor everything and every moment.
Word Count: 1314
Publish Date: May 10, 2020

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