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I woke up to Ron shoving me, I don't know why this...

"MATE YOU THREW UP ON ME!" he screamed and ran into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry," I said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

"You need to stay 6 feet away from me!"

I rolled my eyes and got ready.


"COMING MIONE!" we both yelled back.

Ron and I ran down the stairs, almost falling, and walked out with Hermione.

"Now let's remember that harry isn't allowed in the Great Hall, we will bring his food outside."

"Okay Hermione we get it there is actually something wrong with me."

"Because there is mate!"

I rolled my eyes and we continued to walk until we reached the hall of the entrance to the Great Hall. I stayed all the way back here while they went in. I stood there for a couple of minutes until Malfoy walked by.

"Rough night, Potter?"

"What are you talking about Malfoy!"

"Any wet dreams about me potter?!"


He chuckled and right as he went to open the door Ron and Hermione walked out. They stood there for a minute, Malfoy rolled his eyes and pushed past them.

"Harry. We have food is it okay if we come over?"

"Ron I don't have a disease!"

"Well, you might as well!"

They walked slowly over to me and I sat on the floor.

"If I haven't thrown up yet I'm not going to! Just bring me my food I'm starving!"

They gave me my plate and not even 5 minutes later it was gone.

"See I told you I was fine."

"Do you want anything else?"

"No mate I'm fine."

"Well let's get going to classes then."

Right as the bell rang we started walking among the rest of the students rushing to their classes.
We were almost there and I had that feeling. I had something coming up.


"yes harry." she turned and looked at me and I guess she saw it in my face. She took my hand and ran me to the closest bathroom.
She patted my back as I threw up my breakfast.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I think....let's get to class"

I flushed the toilet and ran out with Hermione.
Snape was going to take house points for sure.
We ran into the room and immediately heard...

"Mrs.Granger! Mr.Potter! Late for class 10 points from Gryffindor! Sit down! The class has just begun!"
A couple of the Slytherins laughed and quickly shut up when snape turned around and raised his wand.

"Now! We will be brewing Amortentia. Can someone tell me what this potion is?"

A couple of hands shot up and waved around waiting to be called on.


"Amortentia is the world's strongest love potion. It doesn't create real love just a powerful obsession."

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