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~Ron's Pov~
Ginny and I were flying towards the burrow to keep the baby away.
We didn't plan this out too well and didn't know where to go.
Mom doesn't check our rooms so we decided to keep the baby in Ginny's room.

She was crying for quite a while but thankfully my sister got her to quiet down. If she was going to stay at our house then she needed to be quiet. We couldn't have anyone finding out.

"Are we almost there? I'm tired of holding this kid! Why can't you hold her!" Ginny whisper yelled I'm guessing Lily was asleep.

"Ginny!" I snapped, "Do you not see me driving!? How am I supposed to hold her when I'm driving?!"

She groaned and most likely rolled her eyes. What an idiot. Thinking I was going to be able to hold that child while I'm driving. I'm not trying to do what I did in the second year. Dad would kill me if he found out I crashed the car again.

It took around another hour before we reached the burrow. Thankfully nobody was home so we were able to bring her upstairs without anybody seeing.

Once I landed the car I took the baby from Ginny and we walked in the house. I looked at mothers clock and say that everyone was down at the shops. Thank god. They would be gone for a while.

"Okay, let's bring her up to your room."

Ginny nodded and we made our way up the creaky stairs.
Ginny pushed open her door and looked around the room for something to put Lily in.

"What do we do with her?"

"Well, we can just play with her until everyone gets back. Once they get back we'll have to hide her and cast a silencing charm."

Ginny nodded and we sat on the floor to admire our new baby.

She was very beautiful like everyone had said. She had beautiful grey eyes and curly black hair. Just like Blaise and Hermione described. know now that I've done all this with my sister there's no way he's going to like me now.
I actually started to like him the day Pansy, Hermione, him, and I watched Draco and Harry on their little butterbeer date.

"Ron!" I quickly was taken out of my thoughts by Ginny who was holding a, now crying, baby.

"Ummm, hold on." I took my wand out of my pocket and whispered a quick spell.

I handed Ginny the diaper that I know had in my hand. She gave me a disgusted look as she helps the diaper with her pointer finger and thumb.

"What do you expect me to do with this?" She said with that disgusted look in her face.

"Oh, I don't know, change her!"

She rolled her eyes again and went to do what I asked.
She was almost done when I heard the front door open.

Ginny and I quickly looked at each other in shock.

"Go downstairs and talk to them! I'll hide here and come down in a minute!" I nodded my head and ran down the creaky stairs.

"Ronald! What are you doing running down those stairs like that?!"

"Sorry, mom."

~Ginnys Pov~
Ron has run out of the room to distract everyone from coming upstairs.
Fred and George would be hearse to distract but I knew Ronald could spark some kind of fight between the three of them.

I quickly put Lily's clothes back on and ran around my room to look for a place to put her.

I could put her in the closet but it did seem a bit too messy and a bit too big for her.
Eventually, I decided to put her in my drawer.
I opened my sock drawer and made some space to put her in.

"GINNY COME DOWNSTAIRS AND EAT!" I heard mom yelled from downstairs.

I quickly put her down and ran out of my room.
I flew down the stairs faster then I should've and get scolded by dad. We weren't supposed to run down those stairs because of the condition they're in.

Arriving at the bottom on the stairs I saw everyone at the table except mom who was grabbing something from the kitchen.

Ron eyed me closely and I nodded my head.
I sat down across from him and filled my plate with the multiple food options on the table.

As everyone settled in conversations started popping up.

"So did you hear about the kidnapping?" Mom said cutting into her food.

"Ah yes, I heard about that. We should go to see them." Dad said before shoving food in his mouth.

I almost chocked in my food as they started talking. It could be someone else?

"Who do you think took her? I mean who would take a baby from the hospital? Must be insane."

Ron and I exchanged looks as mom and dad talked more and more about the kidnapping topic.

"Umm, so what did you guys get at the shops?" I tried to change the conversation so Ron and I didn't have to listen to them talk about us.

"Hush, Ginny! You're mother and I are talking!"

Fred and George laughed as I got scolded.

~Ron's Pov~
As mother and father talked about how crazy it was that Harry's baby was taken and how they needed to go check on him I heard a very faint cry.
Ginny heard it to by the look of her face.
I looked at her and noticed how her eyes started to get wide as the cry got louder and louder.

The table went question as mom cocked her eyebrow, "Do you hear that?" She asked. Everyone shook their heads no as they continued to eat.

"I'll be right back," Ginny said quickly getting up from the table.

Everyone looked at her confused as she just got up and ran up the stairs. Dad sighed at the sound of the stairs creaking again.

"I'll go check on her," I said getting up from the table.

I walked the stairs as slow as possible so I would t get in trouble for running again. Once I made it to Ginny's room I saw her feeding the vesting child. The bottle was quickly emptying as Ginny looked at her in anger.

"You forgot the charm! We could've gotten caught! What is wrong with you?! All we have to do is make it till school starts back and we can bring her to Hogwarts and keep her there!"

"I'm sorry! Mom called me down for dinner and I panicked! I thought someone was coming so I hid her as quickly as possible!"

"Make that mistake again and were dead!"
Word Count: 1137
Publish Date: July 28
Just a Lil quick chapter😚

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