The Weasleys

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"So...Draco has full custody of the baby?"

Harry and I walked into the library to get away from everyone and Hermione had found us. Harry wasn't so sure about telling her about what had happened but since they were close friends he thought it wouldn't hurt.

"Yes...I'll most likely give birth to her during the beginning of summer...after I give birth Draco will take her back to the Manor."

He started to whisper a bit as he got closer to the end of the explanation. I felt absolutely horrible...I basically took the baby away from him...I did take the baby away from him.

"Wait? So you're basically saying that Malfoy is taking the baby away from you?"

We all looked up and saw Weaselette with her arms crossed and Weaselbee with his hands on his hips. I have no idea why the she-weasel thought she had any part in this discussion.

"No! We're just trying to keep her safe!" Harry started to freak out a bit...I was guessing he was scared of disapproval.

"No! What your doing is sending her to a deatheaters house! It's completely unsafe! We should take her over the summer." Weaselbee shouted as his little sister stood behind him.

"Wanna say that again Weaselbee?" Now I was in his face. I wasn't a deatheater and I was never going to be one. My father joined to protect us but that was it. Mother never joined and neither did I. He took a sacrifice to save us.

"You're sending that baby to a deatheaters house." He said extremely slow to make sure I heard every single word.

I quickly reacted to his words and the next thing he knew he had a bloody nose. Next thing I knew I was straddling him. A bloody nose turned into a black eye which turned into a bruised jaw. I'm not going to lie I took a few hits myself but it was nothing too serious.
Neither of us paid attention to the screamed and pleads.

"Draco! Draco stop! Draco stop, please!"

I looked up and saw Hermione dragging Harry away from me. I stopped in my tracks and just looked at my boyfriend who was trying to get out of Hermione's tight grasp.
I didn't want her breaking free and coming over here so I got off the redhead and took Harry in my arms.
I looked back and the boy on the floor and walked out of the library.

"Draco." He let go of me and examined every inch of my face.

"I'm okay. I'm just fine. I just couldn't let him..."

I was cute off by a pair of lips being lightly pressed against mine.
It didn't last longer than 5 seconds but I was completely fine with that.
As we pulled apart I noticed a small smile on his face.
I couldn't believe I was having a child with this person...yeah I'm only 15 but we would work it out.

Hermione was cleaning up my face after that asshole almost knocked me out.
I don't think that baby is safe going into that house. She shouldn't even be around Draco in general. He's dangerous. He has some sort of relationship with the Dark Lord who murdered Harry's parents.

"Ron, that's Dracos child just as much as it is Harry's. He has every right to take her to the Manor with him."

"WHAT! She should be coming to the burrow with us!"

"No, she should be with at least one of her fathers! She shouldn't grow up thinking you're any more than Harry's friend. Plus Harry's house is way too dangerous for her. I mean do you not understand what happens to him at that house?"

"I do! She should be safe with us! My mother has more experience with children then the Malfoys do."

"She's going with Draco. End of discussions"

She quickly picked up the first aid kit and walked away with an attitude.
I don't think it's right at all! It doesn't matter if Draco is the other father, he has no idea what to do with a baby and he's a deatheater.

"Do you think we should do something about this?"

I looked up and saw my sister walking into the room.
She knew what I was thinking.
I mean if Draco wants to put the baby in danger we might as well try and save her.

"We should take her home with us."

"Ron. Harry isn't going to let us near that child after what happened!"

"We'll just have to figure something out, but all I know is that this baby isn't going to that Manor. She deserves to be safe and away from the dark lord."

Ginny and I started to talk about what we should do in order to keep her didn't take long for us to come up with the perfect plan.
I hope Draco wasn't too excited about taking her home with him.

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