Baby Daddy Draco🍼🦋

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It's been a couple of days since I've told Hermione that Malfoy was the father. I still was hesitant about telling ron though. He would be furious, I didn't know if I should tell him or not.
God, why did I drink?
Why did Malfoy have to be the one to fuck me that night.
Why did he wear a damn condom!
Why did I go to that party!
I'm only 15. Why was I even drinking? Why was there even alcohol?
I couldn't answer any of these questions.



"I think you should tell him now. It's been long enough."

I sighed, "I know Hermione but the baby is a Malfoy! A Malfoy! How do you think he'll take it?"

"He'll be fine. He's downstairs alone right now, I'll be there the whole time."

I took a deep breath and walked downstairs.

"Can I help you two?"

"Ronald! Don't be rude!"

"You know what's rude? Keeping secrets!"

"He's about to tell you everything so shut up!"

Ron's face went limp and he sat down.

"Ummm, don't be mad."

"Mate just tell me! I've been waiting long enough!"

"Well, the night after was a girl. I had sex with Cho again. Not Malfoy."

It took him a second but he finally realized what was going on.

" can't be. The baby is..."

"It's Malfoys." Hermione cut in.

"NO! Abort that! As soon as possible! Abort that!"

I sat in silence, I can't believe he said that. He wanted me to abort my baby. I let Hermione handle him. I just sat there, tears running down my face.

"Absolutely not!"

"And why not Hermione?"

"That baby is alive! You're not going to kill it!"

"It's just going to turn into another deatheater!"

We were all quiet for a moment...

"Harry isn't aborting this baby. Even if it's a Malfoy it doesn't matter."

"How does it not matter!?"

"Every baby deserves a life even if it's a Malfoy!"

"Harry you really want to produce another Malfoy! Another jerk!"

I looked Ron in the eye. I knew my baby was going to be a Malfoy but I wasn't going to abort it. I was already attached to it. No matter who the other father is I would raise this baby.

"Mate. I will not abort my child. I will not just give it up like that. This is my fault. I'm going to have to deal with it. I understand it's a Malfoy and I know you're mad but this is my child. It's a Potter just as much as a Malfoy."

Everyone was quiet. Nobody moved. Nobody did or said anything.

"We need to go to dumbledore. I know your only a few weeks harry but he needs to know. He'll know what to do."

"I agree with her, Harry."

He would be so disappointed. I was supposed to defeat the dark lord. I was supposed to save the world! But here I am, 15 and pregnant.

"He'll be so mad. We can't tell him."

"Harry do this for your baby!"

"Hermione no! I'm supposed to save the world! How am I going to do that with a child in my arms? He's going to kill me!"

They both slouched and sighed. I knew I was being difficult but it's all true! I wouldn't be able to do what I was born to do. I was born to defeat that dark lord and save the world. Not babysit.

"Harry? he'll know what to do. He'll be able to help you."

She was right. He did this stuff for kids who decided to be unsafe all the time. Many people have walked the halls pregnant. He told them exactly what they needed to do, he really helped them.

"I guess your right, Hermione."

"Harry I know I'm right."

I rolled my eyes and went up to my room. I didn't want anyone to know. But of course, they were going to drag me to his office.
"Ron, do you think he'll be okay?"

"I know he will. I mean yeah the baby is a Malfoy but I think he'll be just fine. He's 15, the baby is probably going to go up for adoption."

My eyes went wide and I looked at my boyfriend.

"Ronald. He is taking care of that baby. He is going to be a great father. It's sad he is a single parent though. He told me there was no way Malfoy would help."

"Of course, Malfoy wouldn't help! Have you met him! He's too worried about his appearance than anything else!"

I sighed and put my head on his shoulder.

"Hermione, do you think you'll be a teen mom?"

"Ron!" I laughed and put my arms around him. "never in a million years."

He laughed and hugged me back. I mean why would I get pregnant when I already have two kids already?

"Yeah, Blaise?"

"What do you think about Ron and me?"

I sat up and looked down at my friend. We were outside looking up at the stars.

I laid back down and said, "Well, I think you two would be pretty cute together. Why?"

"I don't know. I was just wondering. I think Green and Red look good together."

I chuckled and cuddled up to his side. Around Blaise, I acted like such a bottom. I wasn't I swear! He was just more dominant than me and since we always hung out we kind of started acting like we were together. We weren't though! He had his eyes on Weasel and I was going around being a hoe with Pansy.

"I think you and potter would be kind of cute together."

"Blaise, what are fuck are you talking about?"

"I mean it would be kinda perfect! You've been enemies for 5 years! I think it's time to change that."

"Blaise are you high?"

"No" he chuckled "I was just thinking about it. I mean it's kinda hard not to since you talk about it all the time."

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do, Draco, don't even lie!"

Potter just irritates me! I like to complain and Potter is something I can complain about a lot.
I never understood why Blaise liked weasel. I mean he's a Weasley and at the beginning of the year Blaise couldn't stand him but know...know he's falling in love with him and the idiot redhead doesn't even know.
I actually understand why he doesn't know! It's because Blaise is a total jerk to him, Weasel and Blaise act like a different version of potter and me, it's quite funny if you really think about it.
Word Count: 1120
Publish Date: May 9, 2020

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