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I watched. I watched him all the time. Any chance that I got I watched him.
I know that it sounds fairly creepy but I couldn't help it.
My baby was being carried by Harry Potter and I messed up my chances of being in either of their lives.
I do not like Potter in that way!
I just want to be close to him to keep my child safe.
In a friendly way.
There was no way he would allow me to be in her life after I told him to abort her and that I didn't want to be part of her life. Now I think I fully understand what's going on and all it took was knowing the gender. I'm not saying that if it was an Heir it would make a difference! It's just known that I know what's going to be sounds stupid. I wanted to protect her. I wanted to protect him. I wanted to make sure they were safe. He is technically family now and Malfoys always make sure their family is safe.
I'm never breaking another rule again. They are there for a reason and that reason is to make sure we do the right thing.
There have been way too many times where Potter has almost costed this baby's life.
He's a very clumsy person but comes on.
He's almost fallen.
Almost fallen downstairs!
I mean come on Potter be careful! That isn't just your baby your growing it's mine too! Everyone claims that it's his baby but deep down it's a Malfoy. That baby is a Malfoy and there is nothing anybody can do about that.
I wanted to protect my baby girl with my life. I wanted to make sure she had everything she could ever need/want.
At the moment I was sitting with Blaise and only Blaise. Nobody wanted to sit with me anymore because of what I said.

"Draco? Are you alright?"

I wasn't okay. I was a horrible person and now the only way I could see my child was to look from afar.


That's all I could say. I couldn't just own up and say 'oh yeah I'm just watching Potter from across the room because he's carrying my kid.'
I got up and left. There was no way I could sit in that room any longer. The stares weren't just at meals they were everywhere. Like I wasn't kidding when I said any chance I got.
During classes when he was failing to pay attention.
While we were walking down the halls.
The library.
I kind of followed him...
I didn't follow him every day...just whenever I felt like something was wrong.
Draco ran out of the great hall like a lunatic so of course, I followed him.
He ran and ran until he disappeared behind the dungeon wall.
I whispered the password and walked in on him laying on the leather couch looking at the ceiling. I think I even saw a tear run down his face.


He quickly wiped his face and sat up, "Hey Blaise..."

"Draco what are you doing? Are you okay?" I walked over and sat next to him.

"I'm fine."

I turned him to face me, "Draco talk to me."

That's when the waterworks started. Tears started pouring out of his eyes and it looked like they would never stop.

"I...i m...messed up!"

I took him in my arms and let him cry. I knew he needed this. I knew he needed to let out all his pain.

"What happened Draco?" I asked hugging him tighter.

"I l...let h..her dow...down!"

I didn't answer him. He needed to calm down first.
A couple of minutes later he was laying his head on my chest breathing softly.

"Draco can you talk to me now?" I asked playing with his hair.

"I let them down...I let Harry down. I let my baby girl down. I let my family down. I let everyone down."

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