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"So I noticed you got a response from Harry a couple of days ago. What was that all about?" Mother asked as we ate dinner.

"Oh yeah, well he told me he was alright and they hadn't done anything too bad to him."

"How's the baby?"

"She's great, thank you for asking father. In fact, she kicked not long before I received that letter."

"Oh, how adorable. Draco we are very proud of you."

"Thank you, mother."

We ate in silence for a couple of minutes. There wasn't much to talk about anymore.
Well, it was quiet until Dobby appeared on the far end of the table.

"Excuse me Master, Mistress, and Mini-Master Malfoy. Dobby is sorry for interrupting your dinner but Dobby must tell you to read the Profit."

"Dobby. We will read the Profit later. We are trying to enjoy a nice meal. House-elf meals should be being served."

"Sorry Master Malfoy."

Dobby snapped his fingers with a sad face and was gone in a second.
We didn't talk anymore, just finished our dinner and dessert

"May I be excused?"

"Of course sweetheart."

"Oh, and once you figure out what's going on with the Profit please do tell me."

"Of course."

"Thank you, mother."

I walked out of the room and went straight to mine. I thought about writing another letter to harry but I didn't think it was right. I mean I felt like I was bothering him. He wouldn't be able to send me one anyway.

Dear Harry,
It's been a couple of days but I needed to write you this letter. You told me not to worry about you but I can't help it. Your not here with me so I don't truly know if you're safe. I'd feel a lot safer if you were here with me. I hope you're well. I hope our daughter is

I stopped writing at the sound of my door being opened extremely fast. I turned around and saw mother and father, they looked extremely worried.
Father was holding the profit with on hand and with the other, he was holding mother's hand very tight.
They never held hands. They would always link arms.
I got up slowly and walked towards them. I took the Profit from fathers shaking hands and read.

Harry Potter hospitalized after a horrible attack from his muggle guardians. From what we know Potter has server injuries to his chest and less severe injuries to his face, arms, legs, and stomach. We also found out that our savior of the world is pregnant with a baby girl. DNA tests confirm that the baby's father is none other Draco Lucius Malfoy. Potter is at the moment is unresponsive but stable. Healers detect that Potter will possibly be in a coma for a couple of days due to his injuries. Healers also say that Mr.Malfoy and Potters' baby is stable and unharmed. We are now waiting to see a response from the Malfoy family. We aren't sure if Draco took responsibility in his child since we know that the two are mortal enemies but once we get an update we will let everyone know.

I couldn't believe what I was reading! Those muggles beat him! They beat him.
I didn't react I just ran.
I ran all the way to the floo and disappeared.
I knew Mother was probably furious because she hates when I used the floo alone but this was an emergency.
The moment I arrived at the hospital I saw mother and father run out of the floo next to mine.
All three of us ran up to the receptionist.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm here to see Harry Potter!"

"And you are?"

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