Tired Girlfriend

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

"I will go after I finish this shoot" Yeji said on the other line but Soo hyun sense the tiredness in her voice.

"Hey, You don't have to. If you finish late, just go home. You need to rest." Soo hyun stated with concern

"But still... I really want to see the staffs and the casts for the last time... Besides, I miss you." she answered softly

Soo hyun sighs, Yeji has been so tired these past few weeks actually... From the shoot of their drama which ends almost midnight, and having a pictorial for reiti eyewear in between takes.. The next day, she still have a shoot for several magazines and tv commercials.

They are now dating for almost three months now. Well, his girlfriend is in demand. He's happy that people now recognize Yeji's talent and beauty. But he feels bad for her because she has a little time to rest.

While working with her, he saw how dedicated and passionate she is. But these days, he can't help but to worry about her because of her busy schedule plus her insomnia -she only sleeps for almost 30 minutes. So whenever it's their break time in the shoot, he makes sure to massage her head so that she can sleep peacefully.

"Fine. Call me if you are near. But when you feel sleepy just go home. Okay? I will just drop by to your house after this party."

"Yes. Bye." she said and ended their  call

It's 9:35 pm, the casts and staffs finished taking a photo together. And now they are enjoying each other's company.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Oh Jung Se whispered to him. He knows that they are dating. Besides, he was the one to encourage Soo Hyun to admit his feelings for her.  He was the only one in this place who knows their secret relationship.  Well- sort of cause some of the staffs and even their co stars sense that there's something between them.

"she said she will go if she can." he answered
They are now talking with each other and then OJS taps his shoulder and points his finger as if someone came.

Soo hyun looks at his back and then saw Yeji wearing a hair extensions and a dress. Probably her look for the shoot a while ago. She looks so beautiful  then he saw her tired eyes with dark circles arount it. But he knows she's happy that she made it despite her busy schedule.

He looks at her smiling and saying hello to the people while waiting for her to come to him..

Then she walks towards their table, say hi to OJS and smile at him genuinely. She take a sit beside him and said "Sorry, I'm late." 

"Don't say that. I'm happy you made it" he stated

He watch her eat- she digs in as if it is her first meal for the day. He is so worried to the thought of she skips breakfast and lunch.

He holds her hand under the table. "Can I drive you home?" he asked

She looked at him and asks if he can drive because he drink a little but he said yes. So,she called her assistant who is waiting outside the venue she tells them that they can go home and just pick her up tomorrow morning for her shoot.  Her PA just said "Just Please Be careful. People might see the both of you leaving together."

This time some of the staffs and other actors bid their goodbye to each other. Soo Hyun said he will wait for her at the parking lot and gives her a mask. She nodded and then he left

Yeji said thank you to the staffs and saying she's sorry she came late. They understand. She wears the mask and she spots his car then walk very fast.

It was a quiet ride. Soo hyun focuses on the street since its dark then glanced at his girlfriend who is yawning while using her phone.

"Are you sleepy?" he asked. Yeji nodded and just look at him. He holds her hand using his right hand starts caressing it with his thumb. "Sleep." He stated

30 minutes the arrived at her place. He gently taps her arms "We're here."  Yeji stretch her arms and pulls him to a hug. She whispers "Thank you."

They enter her unit. It's his second time going here. The first time was when he confessed his feelings for her. He remembered her facial reaction when she opened the door and saw him holding a bouquet of flowers looking nervous.

"Do you have a schedule tomorrow?" she asked while caressing her sleeping corgi on the sofa. "No, it's my rest day tomorrow." he answered "how about you?" he added

"I have a shoot for luna cosmetics tomorrow." she answered "what time?" he said "10:00 am and after that I can rest for the whole day."

He takes her hand and pull her to sit in his lap. It is already passed 12 midnight. He caress her back then she rest her head in his neck. "I need to go so that you can rest" he said 

"We didn't talk  much today." She answered while eyes closed. "It's okay. As long as we're here together. You need to take care of yourself." he explained

Yeji just look at his eyes and then his lips. He leans to kiss her but a lightning strikes. They look at each other and Yeji just laugh at his facial expression. "Even here." he thought- he remembered their almost kiss scene but a deer interrupted it and now... a LIGHTNING. He can't believe it.

Yeji stands up and walk him to her door. Pull him closer to kiss his lips. Soo hyun smile and kiss her forehead.

Yeji is now wearing her night gown. It is 1:20 am when she heard a knock. When she opened her door she was surprised....

It was Soo hyun. Smiling at her weirdly while massaging his nape.

"It's raining hard outside." he stated. "I read in the news that there's already a flood in some areas and the floor is slippery." he added

Yeji laugh and said "so now... what?" "Can I spend the night here?" he asked seriously "I can sleep in the couch. Don't worry I am not snoring." he added

"Why are you sleeping in the couch? When my bed is big." she said and wink at him

They are now cuddling in her bed... A smile forms to his lips when  he saw her sleeping peacefully in his arms.


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