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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"laaa, da, da da, daaa"

The crashing of waves could be heard loud and clear. The smell of the salty sea invaded my senses. The sound of the soft sand, barely audible as I walked across the beach, humming a tune I had learned from some cute priest.

(Y/n) (L/n) at your service. I am just a humble adventurer who seeks to explore the world.

Im a claymore user with a dendro vision, traveling from my home near Liyue, setting out to strengthen and widen my knowledge on this worlds plant life and medical uses for those plants by exploring the vast lands of Teyvat.

Im nothing too special



NOTHING, special about me- what the fuck is that.

Stopping dead in my tracks, I looked toward the ocean's Horizon in wonder.

In the distance, I saw something that looked an awful lot like a comet, however, I was too distracted by the fact that it was heading right towards me to admire it.

It was getting closer... and... closer.

And would you look at that. Even closer.

Because of its immense speed, and the fact that it looked like it was about to murder my ass, I snapped out of my trance, staggering behind a little as the sound of it flying through the air caught up to my ears.

'oH nO. wHaTeVer sHaLl i dO?'

Sarcastically thinking this, I simply ran to the side because who would stand there like a dumbass?

*C R A S H*

"Oh, gReAt hEavEns-""

The comet hit the ground at an alarming rate, the impact creating a loud sound that I winced at. I mean, it really must have been bad since it hit the wet part of the sand, and crashing into that part has to be one of the most painful things to happen to someone on this planet- like- really painful-



I placed a hand over my chest, offendedly looking at where that sound came from. Where I stood, I heard the voice of some... guy?

Even though it was just a groan, it was rather deep, so I'm assuming it was a guy.
Instead of going to make sure he was okay, cause the guy legit fell FROM THE SKY!.... I stood there.

Mhmm, instead of doing anything, I just stood around. Like an idiot.

'And then I wonder why I don't have any friends'

As the smoke cleared, I was finally able to see the figure of the boy. Blonde hair braided into a long pony tail that was splayed over the sand and an outfit that looked like no other I had seen from this world. I saw his head lull, thrown back in a rather uncomfortable position as he looked like he was trying to lift himself up.

But that proved to be useless.

Rolling his head for a few more seconds, the kid's head fell with a thunk, Rendering him unconscious.



I just remembered I'm supposed to be a doctor.

Oh. my. archons. It finally kicked in.

"UH, SIR!?!? ARE YOU OKAY!??!?!?!?!"

Registering what happened in my slow-ass brain, I ran over to check on him.
Surprisingly, he wasn't as hurt as I thought he would be. Only a few scratches here and there. A miracle if you ask me.

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