Winter Break | Chpt 102

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Happy Holidays still!


(y/n)'s POV

I watched Kacchan's face stretch as I brushed his hair back with my fingers. It was getting increasingly faster and he just sat there, letting me pet him. We were sat on a park bench, the seat of our pants probably getting wet. He had brushed off the snow for us so we could sit. I could tell as annoying I was, Kacchan liked the attention. He probably would've preferred if I wasn't smushing his face and his hair around, but he was relishing in the fact my attention was fully on him.

"You're so cute," I said, smashing his cheeks together. I pressed a kiss on his pursed lips an he looked up at me, arm strung over the side of the bench.

"You're annoying as fuck," he scoffed.

"That's not nice to say on Christmas Eve," I pouted, kissing him repeatedly on the cheek. I could feel it shift when he smiled, pushing me away slightly. I peered at him, propping my chin on my hand. Kacchan brushed my hair behind my ear, resting his hand on my cheek. I just watched his eyes shift around my face, feeling overly happy that I was here with him. I shifted closer on the bench, moving so that I was seated with him. My back was pressed up against his chest, his arms hugging around my shoulders. He kissed the back of my head, placing his face in my hair. I placed my hands on his, not bothered by the cold.

"I don't want to go back home," he stated.

"You never want to be around you mom," I replied, knowing that fact was obvious.


"She's abrasive, I get it, but at least she wants you to do your best," I said. "You always do."

"Just don't leave me alone," he said and I pat his hand, snuggling up to him.

"I won't," I promised. "I'm kind of getting cold though."

"We can go back if you want," he shrugged and I nodded. He helped me up and I took his hand, walking back with him. Kacchan's mom had shooed us from the house to cook, leaving us to wander around on Christmas Eve. "Hey (y/n)?"


"I love you." I looked his direction, pausing ever so slightly.

"I love you too...any reason...why you said that?" I asked.

"No, I just do," he replied, watching me closely.

"Okay," I said softly, squeezing his hand. "Hey can you give me a piggy back ride?"


"Please?" I asked again and he just nodded, stopping on the sidewalk. He squatted down slightly letting me up on his back. I placed my cheek on the back of his head, through all his spikes. I let out a comfortable sigh, his hands holding firmly around my legs so I wouldn't fall. My arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders. "You're strong."

"I know," he scoffed back and I hummed, nuzzling my face into his hair. He set me down when we got to his front door, letting the both of us inside to where it was warm.

"Masaru don't put that in there!" Mitsuki warned and I glanced at Kacchan who just shook his head. We snuck into the family room where my mother was sat, watching a Christmas movie. I sat myself down on the couch, smiling at my mother. Kacchan let me place my legs over his lap, covering both of us with a blanket. There wasn't much to be said about the moment, it was quiet and cozy and I had some of the closest people in my life here. This was the first Christmas back with my mother. I felt Kacchan lean into me and instead of just cuddling up, he murmured in my ear.

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