Abnormal | Chpt 100

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(y/n)'s POV

"And so, if you factor in the speed and force with which a villain is coming at you, you can reverse those back upon the villain with your own added power. For example, in using my quirk I can double the kinetic energy that say a fist is outputting by grasping and pulling it quicker in the initial direction. I dodge and the villain ends up off balance or possibly on the ground slash against a wall. My pull and their punch in the same direction is combined power and it is in my favor. That is not to say the villain cannot gain advantage if you use this principle too many times. You have to consider the intelligence of the opponent and whether they can pick up and avoid your attacks. Talking briefly now about kinetic energy--"

I scribbled down the notes I needed as Aizawa sensei talked. I was taken aback slightly by how fine Aizawa sensei was. Guaranteed, everyone who knew him could tell he wasn't really one to express or show distress. He must be in distress, mustn't he? From what Joue had describe last night, it seemed as though he was really concerned with her well being, like he was with us students. He may not admit it, but that was clear. So he obviously must be feeling some kind of conflict right now. Joue had recalled plenty of their growing relations to me, and it seemed he was always the one to approach her. He was making the conscious effort to befriend her. In that case, it only made sense that if he was upset with her...he would seem at least a little off.

He, however, was fine.

"Kinetic energy is measured in Joules. So by matching the same amount of force and speed with which makes up kinetic energy you can either cancel out or double kinetic energy. It depends upon what direction the energy is dispersed. Obviously if a ball runs into another ball of equal force, they will stop each other. The energy dispersed can no longer head in the direction it was initially headed and will spread out and bounce away. The balls would bounce off in whatever direction the energy went."

I placed my chin in my hand, drawing what Aizawa was describing so I might remember better. I felt eyes on me from a few rows to the right and I looked that way, turning my head slightly. I met eyes with Kaminari, who wasn't paying attention in the slightest. He was gazing towards me with an obnoxious smirk on his face. After him finding out yesterday, I suppose this was to be expected. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, silently telling him to leave it be. He just wriggled his own eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes as I turned back to my spot. Must he be so ridiculous?

"So when you hear 'use your opponent's strength against them, this is what they mean. This does not mean you can walk in blindly with an understanding of kinetic energy. With practice and strength training, you can gauge and conjure up the right kind of force to use against an enemy. It's all about leverage because sometimes sheer force is not the right answer. In situations where someone is much much smaller than an opponent, say--unfortunately--when a woman may be walking along at night and man twice her size stops her. In the event she needs to defend herself, utilizing the correct skills and equal amount of kinetic energy to cancel out the opponent is key. She may not be able to punch and knock out an opponent, but with the combined force of a pull and punch at different areas of the body would greatly increase her chance and would overpower the man."

It was nearing winter break, which meant I would most likely need to return to Kacchan's house for the holidays. I didn't necessarily mind, it was nice in that house and my mother would be there for the first Christmas in years. I had a couple more meets with Wash and by the new year we were supposedly supposed to meet a new intern under Nakatani, the woman who was in charge of calls and communication. I glanced at Shoji who was writing peacefully, his arms tucked. I still didn't know very much about Shoji, despite the fact he was always...there. He was a great supporting person, but he was quiet nonetheless. He was taking instructions rather well from Wash, as he was a good learner and already rather strong.

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