Forgotten | Chpt 28

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Hi kids


(Y/n)'s POV

"Let's go."


"(Y/n), it's time to go."


I stood indignantly against my father's request, holding tightly to a frozen metal pole at the playground. I didn't look at him, pouting.

"We have to go home for dinner."

"NO! Want mama!" I whined and he sighed, gripping me by the arms.

"Let's go."

He tugged roughly at my arms and I screamed in protest. I wanted nothing to do with him, he was not right in my brain. I could sense it. He tugged again and I slipped, falling face first into the mulch. I screamed, feeling the wind knocked out of me and my face receiving several wood chip splinters.

"See now, this wouldn't have happened if you had just listened," he huffed, picking me up. I kicked and wailed, hating the man who carried me away.


He put me roughly in my car seat and I struggled, screaming. He reminded me much of the villains my mom fought on the news. I felt so afraid to be with him.


I silenced myself, feeling him lock me into the seat and all I could do was stare at his eyes which looked tired and angry. They were a dark grey like mine. I shut my eyes tightly and when I opened them I was there holding my stuffed bear tightly.

"She physically fought me earlier."

"Dear, did you fight daddy?" I nodded self consciously, glancing away. My mother kneeled beside me, placing a soft hand on my shoulder, tracing over the spots where I had splinters. "Why?"

"Bad!" I called, pointing harshly at my dad and his face contorted in a menacing way, a way I could only identify as a monster. I began to wail, holding onto my mother tightly. My eyes were shut as she placed me in a chair at the table to deal with my father.

"You pulled her of the equipment?!" She asked angrily and I wailed louder, watching the watery blackness behind my eyes. Her hand held my chest against the chair so I would stay with her. I heard a loud noise and my mother's grip was lost and when I opened my eyes they were gone.

I was stood in the pouring rain while everyone around me filtered inside for the rest of recess. I turned, following with the herd. I ended up in my hallway, headed towards the 2nd door to the left. I felt a harsh shove at my shoulder and I glanced up at Kacchan laughing loudly at me. I felt my skin grow cold with the rain and air conditioning, goosebumps arising all over my skin. His crimson eyes pierced through me and I sniffled, following meekly into class. I collapsed into my chair, feeling my hair soaking wet with raindrops, water creeping down my damp back. My eyes widened when I saw Kacchan's hand lay threateningly against my shoulder, trapping me to the chair.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"To watch you squirm."

I shut my eyes with a cold shudder, opening them to darkness. I was still sitting, but instead of being able to stand and move about, I was restrained. I tugged slightly, my hands bound and my quirk rendered useless. The breath in my chest was shallow and I felt trapped.

"Happy to see me?"

I glanced around, realizing I was somewhere different but still cold and soaked with water, the echoing sound of water droplets dropping every few seconds.

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