Distracting | Chpt 52

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Hello fam


Bakugo's POV

"I don't see why she has to spend the afternoon with icy hot," I huffed and Kirishima raised an eyebrow.

"Wasn't she with you all afternoon yesterday?" he asked, chuckling idly.

"Yeah, but halfie fucking sucks," I grumbled and Kirishima clapped me on the back of my shoulder.

"Sure," he said, turning back to his homework. I was tutoring him once again, though we were almost done anyways. Technically he was still finishing, I was already done with our work. "How are you guys?"

"We're fucking fantastic," I said sarcastically, "What kind of question is that?"

"Just wondering Bakubro," he said and I rolled my eyes at him. I hated that nickname. "I know you like her and all, but don't you think you guys are getting a little too dependent on each other?"

"No, the fuck you mean by that?"

"I mean it's hard to have a conversation without mentioning (y/n). I never see you with anyone else."

"I'm here with you right now aren't I?"

"Talking about (y/n)."

"Well excuse me!" I hissed and Kirishima frowned down at his paper.

"All I'm saying is that there's a difference between liking a person or wanting to be with them, and being obsessed with them. Don't freak her out," he said. I just grumbled back at him. She didn't seem to have any sort of problem with it, despite the fact she hung out with other people so she couldn't be with me all the time. Was I freaking her out? Maybe that was why she was not feeling so great. I paused, realizing that my thoughts had been consumed by (y/n) and that Kirishima was right. I had been pretty focused on (y/n) lately.

It was difficult to gauge exactly how to do this whole teenage thing. On one hand, we were kids and we were meant to have fun, but we were also training to become heroes. It was hard to have fun and just be with (y/n) for now when I could tell my feelings were strong and the weight of our dangerous line of work was heavy on our shoulders. We certainly weren't regular teenagers, as much as we wanted to mess around.

"How am I supposed to stop?" I glanced up at Kiri and he gazed back at me with a quizzical look on his face. "With talking about slip n slide?"

"Oh..." he said. "Well, why don't we play some video games with Denki and Sero. You know, just the boys."

"Never say that."

"Just the homies."


"Alright, let's just go then," he said, pulling out his phone and typing a quick message that buzzed on my phone too, signalling that he had texted the group chat. I stood up with him, closing my homework folder seeing as it was done anyways. I shoved my hands in my pockets, letting out a breath as I tried to clear my mind.

The lounge was pretty much empty except for a couple classmates passing. Kirishima smiled and waved as they passed, a gesture that they returned. That was something I would never understand, such kindly motions towards one another all the time. It must be exhausting. I sat myself cross-legged on the couch as Kirishima tossed me a controller.

"Ayyy Bakugo!" Kaminari called, using my shoulder rather than the back of the couch to vault himself over.

"Don't fucking touch me dunce face," I growled and he held up his hands in surrender, a controller slapped into one of his raised hands by the red head of the group. MarioKart loaded onto the screen as Sero perched himself on the back of the couch.

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