Wonder Boy | Chpt 56

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(y/n)'s POV

"So you told him?" Mina said and I nodded. I had already let Kirishima know that I had and that Kacchan would probably either really want to talk to him or really not. I had convinced him that Kacchan wasn't mad at him, per my request. I was walking beside her towards the classroom Monday morning after I had mostly shut myself in my room that previous Sunday. I bet my targeter was relishing now in the fact we had been keeping our distance...if they knew we were. Denki had come knocking yesterday, wondering if I would take him up on that offer to hang out a whole day, but I promised later would be better. "Why haven't you talked to Bakugo then?"

"Because. He's having some trouble looking at me because when he does, he sees Kirishima. I don't blame him, I would have the same problem. It's not like I haven't requested space from him before when he did something wrong. It makes sense and he told me he still liked me. I'm just hoping that he's not lying," I said.

"Yeah, but hold on a second. When Bakugo has done some shitty stuff...ugh...you can ask him for space, but that doesn't mean he's going to give it to you. I mean when you told me about the whole mall thing and your last name? He was bothering you and apologizing to you literally 20 minutes later," she said.

"This is different, me kissing Kirishima struck at a different kind of level. He's scared..." I paused, wondering if I should really be loud mouthing his problems. "He's scared of losing people because he's never really been close to anyone. Hearing that from me was like hearing there was a possibility that he might lose me."

"So? Him calling you by your last name totally strikes at the same level. This is your dad we're talking about," she said.

"He may have apologized 20 minutes later, but it was at least a day before I slightly forgave him, Mina," I said and she stopped, letting out a sigh.

"I don't know, I just don't want you to give him so much space that he thinks too much about it and you both end up where you don't want to be," she said. She veered off towards the cafeteria.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to get him breakfast. Didn't he get you breakfast the other day?" she asked and I paused.

"I don't--"

"If he adamantly avoids you today then just eat it yourself. Either way we're getting it."

"You do realize this isn't like us...breaking up right?"

"Yeah well you technically weren't dating in the first place and this technically isn't breaking up. All your technicalities are just driving you two into the ground. I say you need to be more firm in what you decide to do. Get the breakfast. Offer it. If he says no, have it yourself. It's not going to make or break anything (y/n)," she said, tugging a few things down before holding out a hand for my school ID. I handed it over and she paid with it before placing the food in my hands and shoving my ID back in my backpack.

"You're right. More firm."

"That's what she said," she replied, eating a bite of the apple she had gotten.

"Wait, what? Since when did I pay for your breakfast?" I asked.

"Payment for my advice?" she said and I groaned, letting her tug me to classroom. When we arrived there were only a couple people and Mina quickly shoved me to Kacchan's desk. I glared at her for a moment before sighing and seating myself in the desk in front of him.

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