2 More Weeks | Chpt 48

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Bakugo's POV

I left a few seconds after her, a soft tingle in my arms from where we had touched.

"That was real sweet," Kirishima commented when he spotted me leave and I whipped my head his way, snarling at him.

"Shut up."

"Glad to see she told you," he said.

"Told me what?" I questioned, looking over at Kirishima. I watched his eyes widen slightly before clearing his throat.

"Oh you know, she just was telling me how happy you were making her," he said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"She didn't tell me that," I scoffed.

"Hah, must've been embarrassed or something," Kirishima replied, tugging at the hem of his shirt. There was obviously something that he wasn't telling me, but I just let it go for once. I didn't care what kind of weird shit they talked about. I watched her pass with Deku, a slight frown on my face. She glanced our way, smiling right at me and I felt my frown dissolve. I watched her head towards the dorm with the green haired loser.

"Adorable idiot."

"Awe Bakugo, thanks," Kirishima said and I grimaced at his joke.

"Shut the fuck up."

(y/n)'s POV

"So...." I glanced up at Izuku who offered me a pencil. I took it with a soft exhale.

"Well, obviously you must've heard about the whole Kacchan thing at the dance," I said, pulling out my notebook. Everyone had found out almost immediately either by witnessing my flee or learning from someone else. A large majority had found out by the fact I hadn't shown up to clean up afterwards. The whole class was aware by now and they had been witnessing Kacchan doing such nice things for me now. It was pretty obvious he was trying to make it up to me and there was no doubt the girls had a group chat to talk about it all without me. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it might.

"Yeah," Izuku said.

"We talked the morning after and he promise he would open up to me with time and my help," I said. "Because...he likes me too, but he's not ready for anything crazy."


"I think the whole embarrassing the shit out of both of us this morning was his next step. Letting everyone know he fucked up or whatever. I'm not even mad anymore," I sighed. "I'm just happy with where I am now."

"That's great! I mean you and Kacchan is...weird...but I think it's good!" Izuku said, showing me his paper so that I could compare my answers. "I can't say I wasn't surprised."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Kacchan showed up to me room asking me about you the night of the dance," he said. I had heard about that very briefly from Mina, but I hadn't thought much about it until now.

"Wait, yeah I heard that...what did you guys talk about?" Izuku eyed me, not wanting to spill all the private matter they had talked about, out of respect to Kacchan. "Right, sorry."

"He just wanted to know how to make it up to you and he knows I know you really well," Izuku said and I nodded. It was sweet that Kacchan had mustered up the guts to show up to Izuku with a problem. Normally he wouldn't dare, but even before our talk he had been making an effort. "Well aren't you smitten?"

"Wha?" I asked.

"Oh I think my Kacchan is oh so dreamy~" Izuku hummed, making fun of me and I kicked his leg.

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