Chouka | Chpt 67

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Hello, to the people who were questioning why All Might isn't rly in the story. I honestly am just scared of him? Idk he's like 7 feet tall in this giant form which I for some reason do not want to imagine. Endeavor is even worse, like I understand why All Might is that big, because of One for All, but why tf is Endeavor that big??? It's freaky and I don't like it.

Pls and thank you.

You'll see a little more All Might but he's not too integral to the plot.


(Y/n)'s POV

"Where are we going?" I asked, walking behind Kaminari slightly. He was leading me towards the mall.

"Well while the paint dries, let's go look at stuff," he said, leading me through the archway to the first floor of the mall. Today it seemed there was a surplus of vendors placed around the shopping concourses. They were in front of store doors or placed near escalators, their booths almost blocking some things so they might gain your attention. There was a table full of watches to the right, and the man selling him had hair so tall he was on par with present mic.

"This watch switches lenses to every time in the world!"

"What would I need that for?"

"Travel my friend, travel. You need this no doubt about it."

Upon closer inspection, he was smartly dressed and was wearing about 6 or 7 of the watches himself. That appeared to be his quirk, having the many times displayed across his forehead in a continuous scroll. I often forgot how strange quirks could get. Not all of them were exactly all that...helpful.

" thanks man," the potential customer said, dipping away. The salesman looked quite beat and I felt kind of bad for him.

"What's with all the booths everywhere?" I asked, glanced over to where Kaminari was walking beside me.

"Vendors are allowed to sell on Fridays and Sundays," he said, "it's a new rule they set up to gain potential store owners?"

"Oh wow," I said, pointing to a quaint woman seated in a chair beside her table. The whole thing was covered in beads, bracelets, charms, etc. I wandered over, holding my tea in my hand.

"Hello, everything for is for sale. The prices are marked by color," she said. She wasn't as aggressive of a salesperson like the watch guy, but she was firm and made eye contact as we approached. She didn't hover like some sales associates did, which was quite nice. I peered at some of the stuff, most of it too big and loud for me. I didn't wear a lot of jewelry as it was. I glanced at the clip-on charms for bracelets. There were flowers and small animals, but what caught my eye was a set of speech bubble ones. There were the classic round ones and cloud ones for thinking, but there was a jagged, explosive one. I picked it up, seeing that it quite reminded me of Kacchan. I didn't have a bracelet to put it on, but I still had my anklet.

"I'd like this charm please," I said, handing it to the woman. She put it in a very small bag that I would end up putting in my pocket and I exchanged the money for it. When I looked back for Kaminari, it seemed that he had lost interest and was wandering off towards a stand to watch workers roll ice cream for customers. "Kami, come on!" He glanced up, pouting for a quick second before returning to my side.

"We should go look at the candy store," he suggested and I obliged, knowing I would probably come back with something. Indeed I did return with a bag of gummy candies and per Kaminari's request a box of pocky.

"I'm supposed to do what with it?" I asked, glancing at the box.

"Play the game. I mean I'd show you, but this is a no homo, no hereto date," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You need to play the game with Bakugo."

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