Normal | Chpt 23

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Hello people


(Y/n)'s POV

Aizawa sensei held a tissue out to me between his fingers and I took it with an embarrassed look on my face. My nose was running and my face was red, but I had stopped crying. He had caught me after I left the bathroom and taken me to the teacher's room to have me explain what happened. Kacchan was waiting outside to be called into the make shift office.

"Would you like to tell me what happened? I've got recollections from your classmates and you don't seem to be in the wrong here," he said monotonously. I blew my nose, pressing my lips together and staring at my feet morosely.

"Well Denki was telling a ghost story and he obviously made the main character about him and someone who saved him in the story was meant to be me. People haven't quite stopped talking about me getting Denki out of the pool," I said. I made sure to avoid saying 'save' since that seemed to be part of the problem. "Kacch—Uh Bakugo must've thought I was looking for attention or I was trying to beat him at being number one hero. I don't really care all that much about that, but he accused me of that and when I said I just wanted to help people like my mom he insulted me for trying to be what my mom couldn't and that I was trying to fill the hole that my dad left when he left my mom when I was a kid."

Aizawa sat across from me, staring at me slightly incredulously. I suppose it was hard to believe that Kacchan could do something like this. It was very low and un-hero like. I wiped at the bottom of my nose with my balled up tissue.

"Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why you two don't get along. I thought by partnering you up it would help and I thought I saw progress."

"Well, him and Izuku used to be good friends before he sort of started bullying Izuku for following him around. One time, he was about to fight Izuku and I stepped in to defend him and K—Bakugo didn't like that. It's kind of confusing though since he adamantly dislikes me because I don't follow him around like Izuku did. I can't tell you how many times he's fought with me because I 'didn't listen' to him. I try not to get my hopes up about anything," I replied, tossing the tissue away.

"I see," he commented. He stood up solemnly, placing a hand upon my head and gentle ruffling my hair. I shrunk slightly at the feeling, an almost fatherly touch I had never received to my memory. He walked to the door, ushering Kacchan in. "Sit here, please."

I watched Kacchan sulk before sitting down across from me. I tucked my legs in to avoid him stepping on my foot or my feet touching his. Aizawa seated himself as a mediator.

"Now, obviously there will be repercussions for you Bakugo as actions like that will not be tolerated. Your image as a hero is not good right now and I expect much better from you in the future. There's no reason to switch partners as no more partner work will occur after this trip so I expect that there will be cooperation between you for the remainder of the trip. You don't have to like each other, you just have to stand each other for the next few days."

I glanced over at Kacchan and I could see the muscles of his face tense around his eyes while his mouth remained stagnant in a frown. He stared harshly at the edge of the bed of which I was sitting on.

"Now. Bakugo, I'd like you to formally apologize to (y/n) for what you said and for sharing business that was not yours to share," he said and I glanced at him.

"Uh, I don't want an apology," I interjected.


"I don't want one."

"What would you like?" He asked.

"I'd just like to be dismissed please," I said, glancing back over at Kacchan. He was staring at me angrily. Aizawa sighed and nodded before I stood and quickly left. I didn't want to hear any sort of half-assed apology from him. I could see Present Mic's hair down the hallway, moving quickly. I neared, listening in.

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