Picnic | Chpt 96

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Shinsou's visit to Joue's office! And a Jozawa side story is up on the side story book.

Also sorry, I legit forgot to upload


(y/n)'s POV

I opened the door to Kacchan's room, beginning to ask him my question so I wouldn't forget.

"Hey Kacchan, did you get--" I paused when I saw him tugging on a red shirt, my face going slightly red and my lips curling into a smirk.

"Ugh, what?" he asked, pulling it over his head and down his torso. I just peered at him with a giddish expression.

"I meant to ask if you got the food," I said, noticing a basket on the desk now.

"Yeah, course I did," he said, pulling on his jacket from where it was draped on his bed. The jacket was heavier since it was chilly out, black with a white sweatshirt trim and hood as well as red zippers and logos on either sleeve. The black part was almost like a thick jean jacket on top of a clean white sweatshirt, but they were build together. He had black sweatpants as well as his shoes, ready to accompany me to Joue's office. We were meeting with her briefly before heading to see Kirishima and Jenny.

"You look nice," I complimented and he scowled at me.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means what it means," I said, laughing slightly. "I like it when you wear designer type things." I ran a hand down the front side of his jacket along his chest.

"What so I'll buy you some? Am I your sugar daddy or something?"

"What? No," I scoffed. "I don't need anything from you, it was just a compliment."

"Oh...Uh thanks."

"You're welcome psycho," I said, knocking on his head and he scowled again. We skimmed the halls, careful to avoid people so they wouldn't question us. Kacchan carried the picnic basket along, sneaking into the office behind me. We sat ourselves down in Joue's office per one of the receptionist's cue, even though Joue was doing something else in the office.

"Hey sorry guys, I had to make some copies," she said, gesturing the small stack of papers in her hand. She plopped down in a bean bag, smiling at us as a pair. "How are you two?"

"We're pretty good," I replied, glancing at Kacchan.

"What she said."

"Well I have some news about Chouka if you'd like to hear," she said. "I thought it would be better to tell you together." I had momentarily forgotten about Chouka seeing as she wasn't causing any trouble as of now.

"What about her?" Kacchan asked to fulfill both mine and his curiosity.

"Well, she's doing alright in the facility and Tsukauchi took me down again a few days ago to talk to her a second time. It's probably not too interesting or drama filled, but she's doing well with the other people in the ward," Joue said. "I thought you might like to know."

"She hasn't attacked anyone yet?" I asked, shedding my judgement upon the room. I still wasn't completely over the whole trying to suffocate me and steal my boyfriend thing, though I figured that was acceptable of me.

"She's not fond of me, that's for sure," Joue said. "She talks to me for a while until she remembers who I am from the first time or has some sort of episode. Then she kind of acts out."

"Oh..." Now I could see the scratches at her collar. They looked like they could've been done by a cat, but they were rather intentional and scarily violent. I swallowed the lump in my throat, confused as to why Joue agreed to do that.

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