Bittersweet | Chpt 118

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(y/n)'s POV

"How come you're buying another dress?" I asked Mina as she sifted through the racks.

"We've got a gala coming up," she stated.

"Where is this money coming from?"

"I asked Todoroki, nicely of course," she said, pulling out a dress by its hanger. She immediately disliked it, letting it fall back.

"You're asking Todoroki for money?"

"Yeah, of course," Mina replied. "He takes so much from his dad it's crazy."

"I didn't know he was your source of funding though," I replied.

"Yeah, him or Momo. You know Momo is willing to pay for pretty much anything," Mina shrugged. "Should I go with a black dress, for a more sophisticated look?"

"Mine's blue, one of my mom's."



"Okay, I'm definitely picking a long one too," she said. "What about green?"

"Depends on the green," I said. She lead the way to the section of green dresses and I followed.

"So how have things been with your mom?" Mina asked. "While she's getting food." My mother had elected to take Mina and I to a nicer mall a ways away from the school. Mina was all for it, she was a big fan of my mother. Mina and I were to have a sleepover later that evening at the Bakugos. Bakugo was at home right now, helping his dad organized some fabric orders.

"Things have been good," I said, shaking my head 'no' when Mina held a dress up to her body. "It's kind of weird though."

"Yeah? How come?"

"You know how your parents would drive you into the city to go shopping or eat? You know that feeling."

"Yeah, my dad used to do that all the time when my mom was working," Mina said.

"Just going places with your parents when you're a kid is so different than when you're a teen or an adult," I said, showing Mina a dress. She shrugged, not really into it. "I only experienced that for a short time with my mom. It was mostly Ai that took me places like that. Now when we go out, me and my mom, it just doesn't feel quite like I remember. Kind of weird."

"I get that, but I mean at least you get to do new things with your mom. How long has it been since she was released?"

"Released was almost 4 months ago now and I think it will be 3 or 4 weeks since my mom opened up to me more about everything with my dad. It's been really casual since then," I replied. "It feels like longer. Weirdly enough."

"How come?"

"She seems to be living life to her fullest and taking me along with it. I figure being cooped up for that long calls for celebration after. On one hand it's really fun seeing her this way, but sometimes she gets a little too philosophical about it. Makes it seem like she's expecting to die soon. I guess it's a good way to live, make sure you do what you want and say what you want to people. Make sure all the loose ends are tied up."

"My grandma did that before she died," Mina said. "I remember she was acting different, more lively and open. I think she was expecting it. That, of course, doesn't mean your mom is expecting it. Of course she's going to live like that after like 8 years in a care facility."

"Yeah, that's what I think."

"Well Bakugo said--wait!" she pulled out a nice green dress that complimented her skin. It was oddly a nice combo, opposite enough that the contrast was stark but not too opposite that it didn't match. It was actually really sweet, almost like watermelon. She took it back to the dressing room. "Okay, as I was saying. Bakugo mentioned that you've been trying to find stuff on your dad?"

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