Party Committee | Chpt 14

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I walked along Izuku towards UA, grateful the dorms would be back soon. I was growing weary of the walk every morning and afternoon. I had my arm linked with Izuku's, something we used to do when we were younger. I had already thoroughly explained my terrible experience the evening before and with all that I've told him about my dad he could understand me better than any one else could've in the moment.

I hadn't told Izuku much because I myself didn't really know that much about my dad. From what my mom told me he left when I was 3 after her accident and why he had left us. I didn't remember what he looked like, had any pictures, nothing. Izuku seemed to get it better than anyone else because of his own father. I knew just as much about his dad as I did my own.

"So he knows about your mom and your dad now huh?" He asked and I nodded, watching my feet rhythmically pass over the squares of concrete.

"Not like he's going to do anything with it. He actually apologized for it yesterday," I said. "I just wish I didn't have to get tangled up in these things. I don't want pity, I just want to be treated normally and for him that means being a stupid jerk. So why can't he just do that?"

"I know," Izuku replied, placing his arm around my shoulders. I was tired and close to giving up at this point. My dad was ruining my life from wherever he was and I just couldn't stand it. It seemed like I couldn't escape my past and talking to Kacchan was facing it head on. That was my toughest villain.

I liked being the happy, tough, and friendly hero that my mother once was. Still is. I had gotten used to life at UA and things Kacchan could say to me wouldn't hurt me anymore and those bad days slowed to their personal low. I could forget about my past, visit my mom, and have a good life as a hero someone would look up to.

One interview with my mother always stuck with me, and I'd find myself watching it often. She was caught during patrol by an interviewer and she still sat in a chair and talked for a while. They asked her a question and a villain attack started. She leapt up from her chair immediately and worked with the other pros to capture the villain within minutes, all caught on camera.

She plopped back down in the chair and let out a breath, brushing away her slightly dirty hair and shaking out her wet hands before asking, 'what was the question again?'. That was who I strived to be. I remember being afraid to tell Izuku even about who my mother was, seeing as he had a heroes notebook and was obsessed with heroes like that. I wanted a friend who liked me because I was me and not because my mother was a pro.

Everything worked out until now.

"I just have to let it go," I said. "My father is something I cannot change and it's something that I need to learn to be okay with for now. He's gone and I can't bring him back. I don't even know if I would want to at this point. Having his last name attached to mine isn't the end of the world and I shouldn't let Kacchan get to me and ruin what a nice time at UA I have now."

"That's really good to hear," Izuku said, retrieving his arm as we entered the school where Ururaka, Iida, Tsu, and Todoroki were awaiting us. I smiled up at the bunch, approaching them. We all started inside to chat, Todoroki assuming a place by my side.

"I saw Midoryia's arm around your shoulder. Perhaps he may be a suitable boyfriend?" He offered and I widened my eyes.

"Izuku?" Knowing what I knew now about Izuku's feelings towards Todo certainly didn't help this situation. "Oh no way, he's like my brother. Plus, I'm not the one he's got a crush on."

"He has a crush? That he has not informed us about?"

"Mmm, Yeah. I can read him pretty well so he had to tell me when I asked," I said. "Oh and you really don't have to find someone for me."

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