Attack | Chpt 97

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Hi, we're back from the cliff hanger.

Can't let you get too comfy ;)

I posted a side story for my birthday yesterday btw


(y/n)'s POV

"What the--"

I heard a hard thump and I looked to my right where Kacchan was on the ground, a blonde straddling him. Kacchan let off a huge explosion, causing her to jump off to avoid getting burnt. That was Toga wasn't it? I looked back towards the wall of water, knowing if I kept this up the whole time I would be useless. I let it crash down and soak back up into my body, sending a cold chill down my spine. Standing casually in the center of the walkway was Dabi, staring directly at me. I heard another crash and a yell behind me, but I couldn't take a second to look back.

"We're not here for you!" Toga called. "Boss said you were hopeless."

"I'll kill you before you get the chance!" Kacchan yelled, letting of an explosion.

"How's this going to go?" Dabi called, ignoring the scene behind me. "You can pick, I'm not unreasonable."

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to warm up my hands by curling them in tight fists.

"We're here for you and the brainwashing kid, that's all," he said, stating his motive.

"It's not going to happen," I called back. There were probably more throughout the school at this point, looking for me and Shinsou. It didn't make sense why they would want us. They had already tried kidnapping to turn a student, Kacchan. Why would they try that again after how last time went? 2nd time's a charm?

"So we'll do it this way? Fine then," he called back. I felt an immense heat and I dropped to the floor, avoiding the lick of the flames. I shot out a concentrated stream of water, like rope, curling it around his left leg. I pulled it towards me, causing him to fall backwards. A figure crashed into my back, smacking my head against the pavement. I turned around quickly, being in the position Kacchan was in earlier, Toga on top of me. The rope of water that I had a hold of quickly splashed to the ground chunks of it frozen from how cold it was getting.

"You're friends with Deku aren't you? I bet you know exactly what he smells like," she said, getting too close for comfort. "You smell pretty good too, like me."

"(y/n)!" there was a burst of heat above me, no explosion so it must've been Dabi. I felt my heartrate go up, knowing how traumatic this had to be for Kacchan, facing this again. I had to do the best to protect myself and Kacchan. He had some leniency in protecting himself, but he still had no license.

"Oh, look at you, blood all over your forehead. Can you even hear me or are you too lightheaded," she said. I watched her dip down to lick the blood off my forehead and I ripped a hand out of her grasp, punching her with a solid uppercut. Her hands left the ground on either side of me and I jerked my hips up to throw her sideways into the pavement. I placed a knee on her stomach, placing a cuff of water on her wrists. It was freezing over and I focused so it would solidify even more. I quickly got up, wiping blood off on the back of my forearm. I looked around to see Kacchan coming in high towards Dabi only to be forced away with a burst of flame. I grounded myself just like Wash had taught me, focusing a hand towards Dabi. Toga glanced up, slightly dazed from how I had thrown her off. Dabi wasn't paying much attention towards me, having Kacchan attacking from above.

"Dabi!" Toga called. It was too late for him to stop his flame as I shot a concentrated stream of water at him, much like the force that came from a firehose. He slammed into a tree a little ways behind him, the water dousing his flame. He couldn't have much power when he was wet, meaning he was restrained as much as Toga was. I ran over as Kacchan landed with a slight skid on the ground. Dabi collapsed, the sizzle of his skin almost unbearable for me to listen to. I let out a breath, finally taking a second to breathe.

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