I'll Be Better | Chpt 105

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Hello lovelies

This is a lot.

If you need a pick me up after there's Jozawa stuff in the side story book!

!TW! - Talk of abuse


(y/n)'s POV

"Thank you," I replied softly, taking the food from Kacchan's hand. I was being forced to eat, by him, before I had to go and see my mother. All week I had been feeling strange about it. I ate the food slowly, my stomach rumbling nervously. If I ate too fast, I was afraid I might throw up. Kacchan sat down behind me, reaching for my left hand. He took the hair tie he had requested I bring to the kitchen off my wrist. He lifted the hair from my neck, which cooled me off some. He pulled all my hair into a short ponytail, securing it with the elastic. It was loose as to keep the tension away from my head.

"There, since you're sweating so bad."

If I didn't know how nervous I was, I'd think I was coming down with something. He stood up, heading to the freezer to take out a cool pack. His attempts to make me less sick were futile, but I just let him. He placed it on my forehead, holding it for me while I ate.

"You don't--"

"Yes I do. I brought this on. It's my fault so I'm helping," he replied and I deflated slightly, back into the chair. I just ate quietly, Kacchan gently shifting the pack so my skin wouldn't get used to it so easily. He took it away once his hand grew warm, staring at me. "How is the headache?"

"Fine," I lied and he sighed, knowing I was. He just dimmed the lights in the kitchen when he stood up.

"I'm not so sure that lady was right, you probably do have a concussion."

"It's a stress headache."

"I guess, but still. You're practically wilting," he scoffed.

"It's fine, soon as this is over, I'll be good."

"Can you even get there by yourself? I should come."

"Just stay here," I said. He grumbled, fixing my hair for something to do. I couldn't deny that I wanted to stop him from babying me, but I couldn't really by how close I was to breaking down. To be perfectly honest, I was finding myself more and more angry at Kacchan for what he had done. In my chest, I knew we had worked it out and that there was nothing more than an apology to be given. He was avidly taking care of me. But I was angry. Horribly angry and not at my mother but at Kacchan.

And I didn't know why.

A sharp pain ran through my head, a throbbing kind and I put the heels of my hands to my eyes, doubling over slightly.

"(y/n)?" Kacchan asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I let out a low but quiet groan, my head in so much pain. I picked it up when the pain passed and I glanced around, my eyes adjusting again from being squeezed shut tightly. "I'm calling your mom and telling her you're not going."

"No, I can't be stressed out anymore. Besides, you talking to my mom isn't a good idea. Look what happened last time," I stated more passive-aggressively than I had initially intended. He pressed his lips together in a thin line. I began to grow paranoid all of a sudden, anger washing away and like my hero senses were kicking in. I stood up, drowning out the sound of Kacchan protesting my movement. I headed towards the window, propping my hands on the edge of the sink. I glanced outside, looking down as far as I could. There was nothing but a bunch of trees and empty grass from which it grew.

"What are you doing?" he asked, concerned. I glanced out the door of the kitchen, looking well towards the left and the right. Not even a student was about. And yet I felt like someone other than Kacchan or I was here. "(y/n)."

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