Ms. Joke | Chpt 92

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Hi babes 😘

School is killing me 😌🙈✨

I spent 3 hours on a psych activity 😑 so I haven't been answering comments and stuff. Sorry guys 😓😓


Bakugo's POV

"You want to go on a picnic?"

"Yeah, I figure we can invite Jenny and Kirishima obviously. It's less suspicious and they'll get to spend time together," (y/n) hummed. I narrowed my eyes at her plan.

"I thought you were going to be meddling less in people's love lives," I stated and she smirked.

"Okay so maybe I lied," she shrugged. I crossed my arms over my chest and she gave me a puppy dog type of look. Her hands placed themselves at my hips, her own twisting side to side. It wasn't in a a sultry kind of way, but instead was what I could only describe as dorky. The type of idle dancing you might do by yourself in your room. Not that I do that of course. "Please? You get to hold my hand!"

"We'll be in public, do you want another press issue?"

"No, but you said you'd protect me from that," she said, pouting at me. I rolled my eyes, feeling my heart squeeze. I hated when she did such little things that drove me crazy for no reason.

"That I did. Unfortunately."

"Awe, you're a meanie," she said. She slipped her hands into the front pockets of my sweatpants pulling me closer by the outer side of the pockets, almost like if I had a belt or the loops to hold it.

"Oi, what the fuck are you doing, get your cold ass hands out of my pants," I argued, trying to tug her hands out. My face was growing increasingly hot. She grinned devilishly at me and at the context of the situation.

"They're cold! You just said so, that's why they're in there! Come on Kacchan, I know you love me," she cooed, pulling me hard towards her.

"Hands out." She grumbled and took her hands  from my pockets, crossing her arms.

"No fun, that's what you are," she scoffed, turning away from me obnoxiously. "You just lost all of my pocket privileges."

"You're the only one who does that," I replied and she just huffed, turning her nose up.

"Well just go on, leave me to go see Joue," she said, pretending to feel faint, her hand against her head. "How will I ever shake hands with Wash if I have such cold hands? Sigh."

"Quit saying the word sigh as if you're doing it," I replied.


"Oh fine, you fucking big baby," I sighed. She turned around, shoving her frigid hands back into the pockets of my sweatpants. "For the record, Wash is almost all metal. He can't feel your cold fucking hands."

"Metal is a heat conductor. I beg. To. Differ," she pointed out and I let out a real sigh. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, placing my chin on her head. She snuggled her face into my chest, balling her hands up into fists. "Your heart is always beating so fast, you should relax."

"That's your fault."

"Oh..." she said initially. She glanced up at me, the tip of chin in my chest. I peered down at her, my ears tinging red. "Awe."

"Oh shove it, it's not a big deal," I scoffed and she smiled, placing her ear back against my chest. I placed my lips against the top of her head, staying there for a while.

"Alright, you say hello to Joue for me, I'm going to meet up with Wash," she said, obvious excitement flashing over her face as she retrieved her hands from my pockets. She stood up tall, pursing her lips for a kiss. I stifled a smile, pressing a soft kiss against her lips. I curled my fingers into my palms to keep them from crackling as she pulled away. "We can head to your house tomorrow morning to see my mom!"

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