6 | Chpt 73

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(Y/n)'s POV

"You want to come with?"

"Well duh," Kacchan said, slipping on his shoes. "Come on, we have to go to your room so you can get out of those clothes."

"What?" I asked, my face tinging pink.

"I mean change before we see the detective," he reiterated and I shook my head, looking away from him. I had ended up sleeping in Kacchan's dorm again, and at this point one would think I have a few things in his room. I woke up with nothing, however, which meant Kacchan had to follow me back to my dorm. I had raked through my hair with my fingers, as if that would help. When we finally got to mine, I let him in with my key. He followed behind me, his hand lightly pressed against my lower back. I pulled a couple of things from my drawers, including the orange sweatshirt he had basically given to me. I threw it at him.

"Put it on and make it smell like you," I said. He stared at me with slight confusion before a soft smirk graced his face. He slipped it over his arms, holding the ends of the sleeves in his palms so they would smell like caramel. I smiled to myself.

"This smells like fruit," he said, pressing his nose to his shoulder.

"Exactly, that's from my hair. That's why you need to wear it," I explained. "Okay, turn around."

"What?" He asked.

"Turn around? Don't stare at me getting changed you weirdo," I said. He crossed his arms slightly, turning the opposite direction. I slipped off my shirt and exchanged it for a loose hanging blue one, shrugging off my sweatpants as well. I glanced up at Kacchan, who was still turned around respectfully. I smiled, tugging on a pair of black jeans. When I glanced back up, buttoning the jeans, he had moved away from me and towards my cork board. I looked around for a pair of slip on shoes, sneaking glances at where he was studying the board.

"You kept this?" Kacchan asked as I grabbed my hairbrush.

"What?" I asked, meandering towards him.

"I can turn around?"

"Oh, yeah sorry," I replied. "Thanks."

"This," he said, turning to look at me. His finger pinned the envelope with his letter in it. It was the letter he had written to me, accompanied by the flowers which had unfortunately died by now. All the things he liked about me.

"Of course, it's the softest thing I have from you. Minus Lord Explosion Murder," I said, hopping to my bed and holding up the plush water bear he had given me.

"You...named it Lord Explosion Murder?" He asked, stifling a smile.

"Isn't he tough? He needed a tough name," I said, waving it in his face playfully. He pushed it down to smirk at me and I laughed slightly, hugging it to my chest.

"Come on, we should get going," he said. I set the plush aside, following him out. We headed for 1-A's classroom, our shoulders brushing while we walked together quietly. I spotted Aizawa stood outside the door with All Might. All Might headed inside the classroom just as Aizawa noticed our arrival. His eyes flickered between me and Kacchan, not expecting the both of us.

"Good morning Aizawa-sensei," I greeted.

"A Sunday morning," he replied, a slightly more tired tone than usual.

"Sorry about that," I said.

"You didn't schedule it," he reminded, knocking on the door to signify our arrival. It was all sort of secret, we didn't exactly want the police knowing we were going behind their backs on the investigation. Aizawa placed a hand on my head, guiding me to the door. I stepped away from Kacchan, Aizawa now standing between us. "You two can talk separately."

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