KitKat | Chpt 59

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Post more about BLM! The more information that's out there, the better. Especially if people are in your life and they're protesting!! Take the time to find safe ways and be prepared! If you're protesting, please stay safe!!

If you want any information, please let me know!


(y/n)'s POV

Everyone's attention slowly devolved to our phones and idly chat rather than the TV, making the game show featured on the screen background noise now. I was drawing soft circles on one of Kacchan's pant legs, my own legs stretched out over Mina's lap and the tips of my toes lightly tapping Kirishima's leg. Kacchan's head remained firm against mine, as he refused to move away. Not that I minded.

"Oh my God, someone needs to take snapchat away from Kami," Mina said, tilting the phone in my direction. I watched as him and Sero did some obviously dumb shit and I just shook my head, letting out a soft laugh through my teeth. Kacchan's head moved with mine and he grumbled slightly. I wanted to know if Shinsou had finally talked to Kaminari and how that was going. I also wondering how the whole shocking game was going down. Or was that just a rouse to keep me from my room? Thinking about it now, I would've heard if Kaminari had been floated to the ceiling. That sounded like something that would be more broadcast.

"Did Uraraka and Kaminari make up some feud to keep me from my room?" I asked, trying my best to peer up at Kacchan.

"Awe that was you??" Mina asked, peering over at Kacchan too. That was right, Kirishima had been the one to ask.

"So? Piss of pinky," he scoffed and I swat his leg before continuing the figure eight.

"Yeah, she supposedly floated him to the ceiling so he was trying to shock her."

"Oh I would know about that, Kaminari is a blabber mouth," Mina said. I frowned slightly. While that was sort of true, he was only really a blabber mouth about other people. When it came to himself he was really quite quiet. I wished he felt comfortable enough to tell his friends about Shinsou. Soon enough.

"I suppose they made it up then," I said.

"Hey guys?" All 4 of us looked up to the new voice, Kacchan finally picking up his head from laying on mine.

"Hey Jirou," Mina greeted, propping herself up on the back of the couch.

"Oh uh, did you guys hear?" she asked. "Some bystander in the sound villain attack finally turned in a video of the thing."

"What?" I asked, sitting up. She was holding her phone, clearly having paused and restarted the video.

"Oh hey, I heard about that!" Izuku called, having walked into the common room for some food. I glanced over to Kacchan who was glaring at him, slightly.

"Show us," Mina said, scooting away from me so that Jirou could sit as Izuku neared to watch over her shoulder.

"Oh wait, I think I can broadcast to the TV." I felt sort of sick, not really wanting to see the footage of me getting beaten senseless. After that was when Kacchan had burnt my arms again and then the trip. It was all something that seemed impossible to have happened. I gazed at Kacchan who wore a sort of guilty look on his face, remembering what had happened. It seemed so far in the past. I hadn't exactly received the best emotional care following the attack. "You okay (y/n)?" I glanced up.

"Maybe we shouldn't watch," Kirishima suggested.

"Uh, no it's fine," I said, gesturing to the TV. While it did make me kind of sick, I couldn't help but want to know exactly why this guy knew me too well. She cast it to the TV and from the beginning it was blurry. The figure recording was obviously outside the school and running slightly closer, a figure by their side. The camera shakily focused at the figure within the school gates and the video shook, the sound toned down as to not scare the viewer of the video.

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