Ceramic Painting | Chpt 66

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Heyo \ (••) /

I'm really tired Bc I've been working and have my college course. : ( I'm too busy to take a nap.


(y/n)'s POV

I knocked on Kaminari's door and it opened immediately as if he were waiting there for me. He was grinning at me, ear to ear.

"Hey! Let's go!"

"Wait, what? Where?"

"I found this cool place nearby that lets you paint little ceramic statues!" he said, offering up a hand to me.

"We're going to paint ceramic statues?"

"Yes! I figure that's something fun to do. Relaxing. Oh and we get to take them home!" he said.

"Uh alright," I said, strapping my bag over my shoulder. I shut my door and locked it, tucking the key in my bag as I walked beside Kaminari. He was still offering up an arm to me and I hooked my elbow with his. I knew that was his gentlemanly way of escorting me from school, though it was quite unnecessary.

"Oh and I brought you food," he said, smiling. He pulled out a little bag of chocolate candies.

"Is this for me, or did you just want an excuse to not eat them all yourself?"

"...don't be mean to me," he said, opening it up for us to share.

"Wait, why are we going on some weird ceramic painting date?"

"Oh, so it's a date."

"Honestly, it feels like we're an old gay couple Kami," I said.

"And?? I want to paint a goddamn cat," he said. "This is a no homo, no hetero, ceramic painting date. Besides...Bakugo would never take you painting."

"He wouldn't take me anywhere," I said and Kaminari frowned. That was untrue of course, seeing as Kacchan was itching to take me somewhere outside of UA. We weren't allowed to unfortunately, which was why I could tell he was getting a little irritable.

"Why so against painting? I thought you liked to do things that distract you."

"You distract me."

"Oh...what are you insinuating then?" he asked and I just gave him a dull look. "After what happened with the nurse, I figure you need some quality painting time with me." I wore a soft smile, tucking my hands in my shallow pockets. It was nice to have a friend who wanted to do different things. Maybe painting ceramics was really fun and I just didn't know.

"I didn't know painting was a service you offered," I commented and he shrugged.

"I'm a man of many services."

"So we paint the ceramics...and then..."

"You can keep it or give it to someone!" he said. I paused, nodding.

"Maybe I'll make something pink for Mina," I replied, twiddling my fingers.

"See! Or maybe you should make something for Kacchan~" he teased and I shoved him. He seemed to be the most invested in our relationship and he didn't even know it was happening. I was confused as to why, but he had his reasons. He was like a nosy child.

"Like I would give the wrecking ball something breakable," I scoffed and he shrugged.

"I don't know, you could ask him out with it," he said. I stared at him for a long while as we passed through the front doors of the school.

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