Affection | Chpt 47

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(y/n)'s POV

That next morning, I hadn't expected Kacchan to take an even larger step. He was progressing rather quickly, to my surprise, but he was always good at picking up things. I just never expected him to be able to do so with this.

"Soooo you want to hang out with me after school?" Kaminari asked.

"And do what?" he wriggled his eyebrows at me and I let out a breath.

"Alright, whose room then?" I asked and I watched as his face flushed red.


"Mmhmm, that's what I thought," I said and he pouted, shoving me lightly.

"You're really mean, you know that?" he sighed, fake sniffling. "I'll just hang out with Sero then.

"Oh don't be a baby," I said. "We can do something this weekend so you can have a whole day or whatever." I glanced his way but he wasn't looking at me anymore. "What?" I followed his gaze to see Kacchan heading our direction with an angry look on his face.

"Oh God, what did I do? What did you do?!" Kaminari hissed and I scoffed.

"Who knows," I replied.

"Hey Slip n Slide!"

"Good morning to you too Kacchan," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I was still supposed to be mad. He had gained just about the whole class' attention at his entrance and I could see Kirishima by the door with his hand clamped tightly over his mouth to hold in a laugh.

"I saw this in the store a while ago and I went to buy it because it reminds me of you."


He roughly set a plush blue thing on my desk, heavily sneering at me as a way to combat the eyes of our classmates on us. So that was his next step? Let everyone know? What was this supposed to tell them? I felt heat flood my face and ears as I gingerly took the thing in my hands.

(I'm sorry this is the cutest fucking thing on this planet I need it so bad but I have zero money

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(I'm sorry this is the cutest fucking thing on this planet I need it so bad but I have zero money. Water bear. I'm losing my mind)

The thing stared up at me with glossy plastic eyes and a round mouth in a little smile. It had 6 little legs and feet and I felt my lips part slightly. I looked up at Kacchan with wide eyes and then around at everyone staring. It must've seemed like Kacchan had completely lost his mind. I looked over to Kaminari who looked terrified out of his mind and I stifled a soft laugh. My face was still on fire from all the attention and I cleared my throat.

" the cutest thing I've ever seen."

"It's a fucking water bear I guess," he said, "I don't know what kind of bear looks like that but whatever."

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