Roof C | Chpt 84

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I have a strong feeling you guys will like this chapter

*TW* there's brief talk of self harm


(y/n)'s POV

I returned to my room, opening up the door. I hadn't expected Kacchan to be there, but the note I had left was placed on my nightstand and Kacchan was stood at my closet. His head snapped to look at me, still holding the key upright from where it had been in the door. I dropped my hand to my side, staring him down.

"What the ever loving fuck are you doing in my wardrobe?" I asked. He stepped away, clearing his throat, shaking his head.

"I was looking for my sweatshirt," he said.

"That one?" I asked, pointing to where it was over the back of my desk chair. "Why so sus?"

"Okay...I wanted to see if any of your clothes fit me," he mumbled. I choked out a laugh, instantly doubling over. "Shut the fuck up! Stop laughing!"

"Oh my God, you absolutely cannot do that unless I'm here," I wheezed, "You were about to do that without me!"

"You're a bitch."

"Tell me something I don't know," I scoffed. I set my phone on my nightstand, picking up the note. I made movement to crumple it.

"Wait!" he called, lunging at me slightly. I reeled back, slightly startled and scared. "Sorry, sorry, I just want it." He took it from my hands, folding it up and putting it in his pocket. I smiled slightly, watching his face. I paused, stepping a tad closer to look at his eyes. He looked to me, taking a step back. "What? Why are you getting so close?"

"We've been closer, let me see your face," I commanded. I reached up for his cheeks, tugging him slightly down to my eye level. "Are you wearing my eyeliner?"

"What? No." He jerked his face away and I placed a hand on my hip, sinking into it. I looked to him skeptically. "I'm not."

"It's fine if you did," I said. "You look beautiful."

"Fuck you."

"I'm serious!" I argued. "It's really clean."

"Yeah, to you. Your wings are shit," he scoffed and my mouth opened, giving him an offended expression. It appeared that we were sort of ignoring what happened yesterday, at least for right now. I sighed and sat down on my bed, glancing at the blanket placed neatly over Lord Explosion Murder.

"Did you...tuck him in?!" I asked. His face scowled hard, placing his arms over his chest defensively.

"I thought you'd appreciate it," he scoffed.

"You're so soft," I hummed and he sneered, hiding his face from me. "So what I'm getting from this is to not leave you alone in my room?"

"That was your fault," he stated and I perused his face with tired eyes. "So you talked to Joue, huh?"

"Yeah, I did," I said, settling in to get into it.

"Well do you want to talk about yesterday?" he asked. I knew Kacchan and I knew him well. While I was the type to talk a lot about my problems and express myself through words, he was all about gestures and actions. This alone, proved to me he wanted to know what I was feeling and wanted to make it better the best way he could. To others, the small gestures he made towards me could go unnoticed, which was probably why a lot of people didn't have much suspicion about us dating. Of course, that wasn't everyone. But to me, I noticed each and every little thing he did and I knew he did with me. He knew the small trivial things I would never ask him to remember because he truly wanted to know me better than anyone else did.

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