Late | Chpt 65

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(y/n)'s POV

My eyes shot open that Friday morning, my breath held tight in my chest. There was a heavy arm draped over my bottom most ribs, the hand and fingers hanging loosely at my side. I placed a hand on it, my eyes shifting to the hair at my chin. Kacchan's face was once buried in my neck, but when he had fallen asleep his face relaxed so that his nose and forehead rested against my skin. His lips were parted slightly as he breathed through his mouth, breath rolling over my skin. I felt my own lips curl into a smile, the hand closest to him brushing over the ends of his hair. It appeared that Kacchan had found himself into a comfortable position cuddling me. I didn't know I would end up being the one 'holding' him per say, but I had him hugging me.

I glanced at the clock on his bedside table, noticing it was around 8:30. I let out a soft sigh, snuggling into him and shutting my eyes again. He shifted to hold me closer before I realized that it was Friday morning.


"Fuck!" I called, scrambling suddenly. Kacchan let out a groan, having been rudely shoved away. I brushed through my hair, realizing I was in his room and not mine. Shit, I had to get my uniform and I didn't even wash the jacket. I would have to get my second one. "Get up, we have school!"

"What the f--" he peered at me with narrowed eyes before realizing that I was in fact correct. "Oh f--"

"COME ON!" I called. He hurried from his bed and I noticed the side of his hair he had been laying on was smushed flat. I shook my head, having gotten distracted and ran from his room towards the girls hallway. I whipped into my room, tugging open my wardrobe. There was a heavy thud of it against the wall from the force with which I had opened it. I tugged out clothes for my second uniform, struggling it on. I glanced at myself in the mirror and realized that I still had mascara under my eyes from crying and sleep. Makoto... I looked like a complete mess. I tugged my brush through my hair, wiping my face off. I looked splotchy but at least my face was clean. I needed to sprint across the school at this point. I picked up my bag, throwing it over my shoulder before realizing I didn't have my socks or shoes.

God-- I didn't have time to think about anything right now.

I hopped across my room trying to put on my sock and then shoe, nearly falling over now that I had my backpack on. I sprinted from my room and down the hallway. I tried my hardest to do my uniform tie as I ran, now out of breath.

"Morning jog," Kacchan called, catching up with me. We ran down the hall finally, reaching the classroom door as the bell rang. Aizawa sensei approached the door to see the both of us out of breath. His eyes shifted between us, a suspicious expression across his face.

"I'm so sorry we're late!" I called and he let out a sigh.

"That's fine, don't let it happen again." He stepped aside, letting the 2 of us in before placing a hand on my shoulder to stop me. Kacchan glanced at me with slight concern before heading to his desk.

"Yes, sensei?"

"Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," I said, nodding solemnly.

"I'll say it again, tell me if you need something. Taking days off is important," he said and I stared at him for a moment. I shook my head.

"I don't need one, I promise." I really didn't want to sit all alone in my dorm all day, that sounded awful right now. His eyes shifted downwards so see the absolute mess that was my tie. Kacchan didn't even wear his, this wasn't fair. I tugged it off with an awkward smile.

"And might I remind you that your relation to Bakugo should be kept a secret."

"I didn't tell anyone."

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