I've been planning the previous chapter for literally so long you have no idea :0
The video above is for ambience, it's a thunderstorm which is happening during the chapter. It's what I was listening to when I wrote it sooooo
(y/n)'s POV
"I cannot believe he said that to you. It just doesn't make any sense," Mina said brushing through my wet hair. She had suggested I take a shower and take off all my make up and in the process I had finally stopped crying. I felt dry sobs hop up into my throat every once in a while, letting Mina take care of me.
"It doesn't," I said, sniffling slightly and she handed me a tissue, afterwards gathering up my hair in the towel.
"I am still sure he likes you, it just doesn't make any sense. You said he was freaking out when he replied?"
"Yeah...I told him and he said 'I thought I told you not to have a crush on me'..." I continued on as Mina pat my hair dry. She began brushing it again before I sat up. "Wait Sero."
"He knows where I am, it's alright," she replied and I sank again. "Don't feel guilty, we would've spent another 20 minutes together, that's all."
"But what if he--"
"Kissed me goodnight? Honey we took care of that earlier," she said and I felt my face flush. I laid back against her legs, thinking of Kacchan which caused my stomach to get sick. I gripped it while she ran her hands through my still damp hair. "Honestly (y/n), I don't know what happened with him. Boys are so dumb sometimes."
"I guess..." she sighed. She sank from the bed to the floor beside me.
"You know, no good story is too easy," she said and I glanced her way. "Too easy is boring. We fight and we make up, it's just the way it goes. Maybe you two just weren't meant to be together romantically. I have no doubt in my mind that he considers you a friend and honestly I don't think he meant to hurt you."
"It's not like he hasn't done it before," I said. That was a low blow, even in a room with just Mina and I. I was frustrated and felt like giving up on just about everything.
"There's many ways you could look at this." I was silent, watching through the slats in the blinds that half covered my window. I could hear the gentle roll of thunder across the sky and there were a few flashes of lightning here and there. The rain pounded against the walls of the school and it made me feel a little more calm in the situation I was under. Thank All Might it had began to rain, otherwise I might've been as angry as the thunder sounded. "Bakugo doesn't like you that way and doesn't know how to express his feelings. Maybe he does and still doesn't know. Maybe he thinks he's not good enough for you."
"If he thought that he wouldn't have said that about me." she watched me with careful eyes.
"If his feelings are as strong as yours are, which I really truly believe, then something slipping out like that isn't strange. Bakugo's a tough guy, but everybody knows he's not emotionally prepared for a lot of new situations like your relationship. Hearing that from you, topped with his pretty obvious need to hide his insecurities...I think he was just trying to push you away to protect himself...and you."
I listened to Mina and the slap of rain for a while, letting her ideas sink in.
"You know, I spend every waking moment of my life thinking about the hypothetical. I can't fucking stand it," I hissed. "I'm so tired of it and when I tried to be straight forward this happens. It's just so...shitty! I mean I can read Kacchan pretty well I'd like to think. Obviously not all the time, he's not an open book and I get it. I thought I understood him better than other people did and that maybe with my help he'd open up but clearly that was just a shitfest and at this point...I'm a little tired of just trying to read the situation."

Raindrop | Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
FanfictionJOZAWA Conversation Hearts & SIDE STORIES tied to this work are on my page! (Y/n) was born with a water manipulation and creation quirk, destined to be a hero just like her mother. When her mother falls ill, she finds refuge in a childhood friend Iz...