Friends? | Chpt 40

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(y/n)'s POV

I shut the door quickly, feeling the breath knocked out of my lungs. I couldn't believe I said that. I was such an idiot. I was feeling much better about Kacchan now. I dug my fingernails lightly into the palms of my hands so that I might ground myself. I headed back for the classroom, knowing that I'd have to talk to Aizawa sensei. Wasn't this a silly idea, to go into the public eye like this while I was being targeted? Of course, Aizawa sensei probably knew better than I did. I took the stairs up, two at a time, gripping the strap of my backpack.

There was a small grouping of people near the classroom and another inside when I arrived. Aizawa sensei waved me over, seating me down in a desk. A few of my classmates dispersed to give us privacy.

"Obviously, I'd prefer if you didn't feed into these ridiculous news sources, but Principal Nezu is requesting that you read out this speech at a press conference this late afternoon," he said, handing me a short paragraph. "I'd advise that you not answer any questions and I will be there if you need anything."

So he didn't want me to do this?

"Alright," I sighed, glancing down at it. It was some pretty generic stuff about how the rumors were fake. I had no idea what this was supposed to do for me.

"I'll be round front to escort you in 2 hours," he said, standing up straight from where he had been leaning on my desk and I could see both Mina and Izuku creep towards us to catch me after the discussion. I stood and Aizawa sensei brushed everyone from the room as I felt a comforting pat on my head by his hand. The door was shut and I wandered for Mina and Izuku.

"So?" Mina asked. I held up the paper and she snatched it from my hand, reading over it.

"Only me," I scoffed, laughing slightly as she handed it back to me. "It's so overplayed at this point."

"How are Kirishima and Kacchan?" Izuku asked and I pursed my lips.

"Well, Kirishima is a little scratched up and bruised. It's not as bad as I thought, and Kacchan had a pretty nasty cut on his arm," I said.



"How are they doing with each other?" Mina asked.

"Fine actually. Kacchan was really apologetic about it according to Kirishima," I replied. I watched Izuku mutter to himself and Mina played with her bottom lip.

"That was really scary. I've never seen Bakugo like that!" Mina replied and I shrugged.

"Mistakes are mistakes, Kirishima seems fine with it. Although I can't help but wonder what they talked about. Kirishima was telling me Kacchan wasn't feeling all himself for a while, but Kacchan seems okay now," I explained. "I guess it's alright if they're cool."

"Yeah, Kacchan and Kirishima are definitely best friends. If they weren't there would be a huge problem. I've never seen Kacchan act like he does around Kirishima," Izuku said.

That was true, he certainly liked Kirishima the best out of just about anyone in his life. It made me slightly jealous to think he never thought of me the same way despite all the opportunities he had to like me and I him.

"You should practice," Izuku said and I felt my stomach squeeze uncomfortably, like I was going to throw up. That certainly wouldn't help my image, throwing up in front of the press.

"Yeah," I agreed. Mina took my hand and squeezed it before her and Izuku walked off, probably to further discuss Ei and Kacchan.


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