Too Deep | Chpt 42

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Hello we're getting so close to the dance chapter and I've been planning it since the beginning so I'm excited :)


(y/n)'s POV

"A whole class sleepover?" I asked.

"Yeah! We were thinking about just girls," Mina reiterated, "but we figured this would be a little more fun."

"Oh boy," Jirou commented, leaning up against my shoulder. The dance would be tomorrow night, Saturday night, which meant that we had Friday evening to to start the fun weekend ahead of us. My heart was racing at the prospect that I would get to spend the night near Kacchan and I had to scold myself for getting a little too excited. It had been such a fun almost 2 weeks with Kacchan like this. It was almost like the fight with Kirishima had changed him a little, or maybe the talk afterwards did. Either way, I was fully taking advantage of it.

All of us girls were already in the common room, lounging on the couch with many blankets and pillows all around, courtesy of Yaoyorozu. Deku came first with Iida and Todoroki trailing behind. Izuku sat beside me, smiling warmly at me. One by one or group by group, everyone was seated comfortably in their pajamas.

"Nice pajama's bro," Denki commented as he neared, pushing Kirishima's head from behind the couch. He hopped over the back of it, nearly onto Sero who groaned and pushed him off. Kirishima was wearing the most adorable shark pajama pants, a close second to Tsu's frog shorts and tank.

"They're Great White's!" he said, spreading the fabric out with his fingers and I smiled slightly. Kacchan had chosen a spot near Kirishima, opposite to me. I figured it was because of Izuku sat on the other side of me so Uraraka and Tsu occupied the space beside me where he could've been.

"Let's start the evening out right! I say we play spin the bottle!" Denki called and he was greeted with a chorus of 'nos'. His face dissolved into a pout and he sat back down. There was no way in hell I was playing that. That was too drama filled and... I had to admit I didn't want anyone kissing Kacchan. Except maybe Kaminari because that was just too hilarious to pass up. Todoroki? I felt my face go red as I held a laugh in my throat at the idea. "7 minutes in heaven?"

Again no.

"Well what the heck are we supposed to play?!" he asked.

"We could play fuck, marry, kill?" Jirou suggested, tapping her ear jacks together.

"That's highly inappropriate! Profanities are--" Iida began to rant and I snickered, sitting back into the couch.

"Come on Iida, it's not that bad," Uraraka insisted, gripping onto his arms to get him to stop from gesturing like he did. "Why don't we do kiss, marry, kill?"

"Killing is unheroic!"


"Wow this is the most mundane version of this game," Denki said and I again giggled softly, gaining his attention. He beamed, knowing his comment had made someone laugh.

"Yeah, I'll ask first. Hey Aoyama, kiss, marry, punch: Iida, Deku, Mina," Jirou said. I watched Mina place her hands under her chin, awaiting a good response from Aoyama.

"Moi? Well, I'd have to marry my good friend Mina," he said and she grinned, fluffing her hair obnoxiously. "Probably kiss...Iida and sorry Deku monsieur I'd have to punch you."

"Hey, that's fine," Izuku replied and I glanced his way, tugging my knees into my chest. Aoyama picked someone to ask and it went around the circle pretty quickly.

"Why would you punch me Mina?! I feel betrayed!" Kaminari called and she just shrugged.

"I'm sorry you didn't make the cut," she replied, ruffling his hair. "(y/n)!"

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