Shut Up | Chpt 17

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Hello babeys

I got caught up playing Minecraft today, sorry :)


(y/n)'s POV

I ran to school that Friday morning. That was one of the first things I remembered about that morning. I couldn't remember what I ate for breakfast or even if I ate anything at all I was so late. My shoes pounded into the pavement and I tried my best to weave in between people. I was going to be in so much trouble. I skidded around the corner to see that students were still entering. I heaved a sigh of relief and exhaustion, trying to fix up my uniform in the last stretch.

I barely made it to the gate before there was a huge crash and scream. My natural instincts kicked in and I surveyed my surroundings. It seemed as though no visible damage was made besides a ringing noise in my ear and the fact that students were now either stumbling or on the ground. I glanced around again, seeing that the sidewalk had small hairline fractures zipping along the strip of side walk. General Ed students hurried inside except for a tired looking guy with purple hair who watched from inside the gates. I offered up a hand to a 1-C or 1-B student who thanked me. It was eerily quiet and I couldn't hear much at this point.

There was another booming noise and this time it fully knocked me over. I glanced up to see a figure outside the gate. I scrambled to my feet and armed myself. The figure glanced my way and everything was silent. It was obvious he had something to do with sound because I couldn't hear just about anything being near him. No teachers had come out yet and the figure pushed over other students easily, sending them flying with a deafening noise. I shot a stream of water at him, knocking him off his feet. He shot at me and I seemed to absorb the sound better than other students, seeing that I was made mostly of water. I was vibrating with sound.

I ran at him to keep him from hitting anymore incoming students, gaining his attention. He seemed to anticipate my sudden move and dodged, striking me away with a forceful fist. I swung at him with a water bludgeoned hand and he again managed to gain a hit on me, shooting me away with a blast of sound that left a ringing in my ear. How was he predicting all my moves? I charged at him again and was struck again. Again and again. Move after move. He knew me too well. I slammed into a wall and slid to the ground, a teacher making their way towards us to interfere.

As I stood, I felt a sudden force knocked out of me, ripping up through my throat and I collapsed again. My body was beginning to become scraped up from all the physical combat and tossing around, but I could tell the internal damage he was causing would be much worse. I could hear clearly his footsteps and I struggled to stand up, feeling his quirk work through me. He slipped something in the pocket of my uniform, suddenly pausing at the sound of a voice, and I grabbed his ankle, sending him crashing to the ground beside me. He only retaliated, hitting me with one last blast that sounded like a whisper but ripped through my body like an electric shock. I collapsed, shutting my eyes and letting out a breath as I felt my hands go limp and damp with water. How did I let that happen to me?

How was I supposed to be a hero if I can't even win against someone like this?

Bakugo's POV

I was slumped in my chair, waiting for class to start when a sudden boom shook the building. The class glanced around, confused and Aizawa glanced up from his desk.

"Stay here class," he ordered and whispers rang out through out the room. He left in a hurry and I could see the teacher next door join his side. There was another boom and my classmates gathered around the windows to try and see what it was, but it was at the other side of the building from how it sounded. Four eyes was busy trying to keep students from leaving the classroom and shitty Deku was busy mumbling to himself. I rolled my eyes. Clearly it was just some dumb rouse to try and break into UA which wouldn't work and it would blow over quickly.

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