Shoto Todoroki | Chpt 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Morning dweeb," I greeted, sliding into my desk. Deku frowned at me but returned the good morning. I saw a candy cane haired boy peek around Deku at me.

"Good morning (y/n)," he greeted and I felt a blush creep up my neck.

"Morning Todo," I replied. He leaned back out of view and I internally scolded myself for having such a terrible crush on the guy. Over time I found myself infatuated with the polite guy and his story. He was rather mysterious and I loved the thought of getting him to open up to me. He seemed to at least like me as a friend, which was all I could really ask for. Not to mention he was always a constant presence you could count on. His head peeked around Deku again.

"I forgot to ask if you would be making it to my home with Midoryia to study today after school," he said.

"Oh! Yeah totally!" I grinned and his lips curled up slightly. That was another thing I adored. I made him smile every once in a while. I glanced to Midoryia who stared at me knowingly. He knew all about my crush and had threatened to tell Todoroki a few times. I of course countered with his obvious crush on Ururaka which usually shut him up.

I wasn't particularly scared of what Todoroki's answer would be if I told him. He was too nice to hurt my feelings if he had to let me down. I was more scared of actually doing it. I was quiet, but opinionated. Just...sometimes the quiet overpowered my voice. So I was sort of stuck just gawking at him most of the time. He stood up to seat himself in a more seeable desk.

"Since we had a test coming up I thought I would invite you two, Iida, Tsu, and Ururaka to study."

Right. Not special.

"Yes I'd very much like that. Thank you for inviting me," I said. He nodded solemnly and I glanced back to Deku. I had gotten accustomed to calling Izuku 'Deku' sometimes after he made it his hero name. It was confusing at first, but I made my peace with it. My hero name wasn't too great either. 'Raindrop' really wasn't all that great, but it was a nickname my mom used to call me when I was really little. She still occasionally let it slip in nowadays.

"Perhaps you'd like to walk home with me?"

"Oh, is everyone?"

"No, however you live the furthest, so I thought you would like to walk with me to my home," he said. I felt my chest swell. Due to renovation issues the dorms were closed for the time being and I was back home every evening instead of just weekends. I didn't really mind since I got to see Ai and my mom more often, but it was a bit of a hassle to get to school every morning. My dorm was in line with Kacchan's, though we had separate halls. I could hear him sometimes, seeing as he screamed at anyone who crossed him, which mean a few walls wasn't enough to combat how close our rooms ended up.

"Yeah that would be nice."

"Alright then. I will meet you in the front courtyard," he said, getting up as Aizawa entered. I smiled dreamily as he walked away.

"Wow. That was just...something," Izuku murmured and I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help it."

"Mmhmm," he hummed, smirking to himself. I could feel hot eyes on me and I glanced up as Aizawa greeted the class. I met eyes with crimson ones under frowning eyebrows. I glanced away, wondering why at all Kacchan would be looking at me.

"Alright. Your test is tomorrow so I'm allowing study time today. After your test tomorrow we'll partner up for projects. Go." I watched Aizawa curl up on the floor and I frowned. People got up and shuffled to their friends. Ururaka and Iida hopped up to take the two desks in front of Izuku and I. Todoroki took the desk behind me and Tsu in the desk to his side behind Izuku.

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