In the Middle | Chpt 34

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Yeah and it would go over here, I already asked Nezu to get one," Momo said, her hands curling in excited fists near her chin.

"I say we call it a day, we still need to meet the rest of the girls to get dresses for the dance," Jirou suggested and I just nodded in agreement. I followed behind them, keeping close distance as we neared the front entrance.

"I usually go with red, but I was considering green," Momo said. "I think you should go for purple and pink Jirou. What about you (y/n)? You probably don't want to do blue, you always do blue."

I didn't respond, watching the ground as I walked. I was far too busy counting how many steps it took for each square of the sidewalk. Sometimes 3 sometimes 4.

"Earth to (y/n)!" I glanced up, not realizing this was the second time Momo was calling me.

"Huh? Oh sorry," I said.

"That's fine, I just wanted to know what color dress you were getting?" She asked.

"Oh...I hadn't thought of that," I replied.

"You should go with gray!" Jirou said and Momo glanced at her, a look of slight distaste on her face.

"Gray? Don't you think that's a little drab for a dress to the dance? How will she stand out like that?"

"Who's to say you have to stand out at all? Who's she trying to impress?" I soon wasn't listening again, tucking my hands in my pockets as I dawdled along behind them. I was suffering heavily with guilt for what I had done yesterday, but also relief knowing that Kacchan would probably elect to not speak to me...ever again.


"Are you crazy Momo? Yellow?"

I turned the corner with them to the indoor shopping mall since it was closer and had a very nice dress shop. It was a good thing in my mind to have Kacchan stay away from me, so I should be patting myself on the back for managing to shoo him off. Then again it was eating me up inside to think I had to shoo him off in the first place. What if he wanted to be friends? What if I actually hurt him? I was blowing this out of proportion, as usual.

"(Y/n) you okay?" Jirou asked and I glanced up, shrugging her off.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, letting out a breath.

"I hardly believe that," Momo said, "I mentioned the boys would be at the mall too and you had nothing to say."

"Wha?" I said. "Why are they going to be there?! That's..." I trailed off, seeing as I just proved Momo's point about my abnormal silence.

"What's up?" Jirou asked, the two of them slowing to walk on either side of me rather than having me trail behind.

"I hate talking about this..."

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