Shoes | Chpt 41

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Hello ;)


Bakugo's POV

"Come on and wake up," (y/n) said softly, brushing at my cheek with the back of her fingers. I glanced up at her to see her face light up when I opened my eyes. "Well good morning sleeping beauty."

"Sleeping beauty?" I asked and she nodded before I realized she was perched lightly over my abdomen. "Wait what are you doing here?"

"You're not grounded anymore so I came to see you," she hummed. "I had just been thinking about how we're friends now and I couldn't help but consider that we might be more?"

"Huh?" She leaned down, her chest against mine and her legs nestled on either side of my waist. I felt the soft and comforting gesture of her nose brushing and nuzzling against mine.

"Isn't it obvious? I love you Kacchan."

I felt my body full of warmth when she said that feeling her cup my face as she rested her forehead against mine.




"What is it?" I asked again, looking at her closed eyes.


"What? Why are you calling me that?"


I glanced up with sleepy eyes before my head shot up to look around. (Y/n) was not there and I had been having a dream of course. I cursed wondering why the hell this happened to me and why Kirishima was in my room and sitting on my bed. He was the one who must've been trying to wake me up.

"What the fuck hair for brains?! How did you get in here?" I barked.

"Woah, calm down you left the door unlocked and you're not grounded anymore. Besides, if you were sleeping then who was going to talk to (y/n)?"

"Wha--" I saw then the phone in Kirishima's hand. I had left the call going last night. "Oi gimme that right now!"

"Hey, (y/n) wants to talk to me too," Kiri pouted and I snatched the phone from his palm.

"Piss off idiot and get the hell out!"

"Come on! It's gym time!" he called and I shoved him from my room, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I glanced at my phone to see her face watching and listening with amusement. "Don't say shit."

"I won't. I don't have to," she said simply, smirking at me and I growled her direction. "Sorry about falling asleep on you last night."

"On me?"

"Yeah on the phone," she scoffed, as if it were obvious. The way she phrased it left me confused and feeling like a dope for mixing the two up. Only she could make me feel so stupid. I hated that. "Although I see you didn't hang up."


"Nothing," she mused. I watched her tug her hair up into a ponytail after she had carefully positioned her camera so it was still capturing her movement. "So, I'll see you later?"

"What's later?"

"I don't know...I meant I'll probably see you around considering we live in the same place," she chuckled. "You alright?"

"I'm fucking fine."

"Alright, well I'll see you later," she reiterated.

"You're hanging up?" I asked, feeling suddenly lonely even if she hadn't left yet. What was wrong with me?

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