Internships | Chpt 91

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I started posting on my Wattpad tik tok, stuff like Joue content or different wattpad jokes. I posted on Wednesday! Follow me? 👉👈

It's Calybear7 just like my Wattpad and the link is on my link tree in my bio.

Here's the first tik tok:


(Y/n)'s POV

I got dressed in my school uniform, making my way to class alone that Friday morning. I hadn't gone to sneak into his room after Izuku and I had returned. I was extremely excited to tell Kacchan that my mother was residing comfortably with Ai and his mother. I knew we could spend some good time together this weekend, like some kind of strange family.

I spotted him in the classroom when I reached the door, running up behind him to hop on his back. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my cheek pressed firmly to the back of his right shoulder. My legs hung towards the ground, causing him to stumble slightly backwards.

"Guess whose mom is out of the hospital!" I called, squeezing around his shoulders. I glanced up. The rest of the Bakusquad was staring at me draped over Kacchan's back. He was looking back at me, his expression angry to cover up for my mistake.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked, shoving me off.

"Oh my god, that's so weird. I were Kaminari. Blonde hair." Kaminari glanced up at me, quirking his eyebrow. "But whatever! Guess who's mom is out of the hospital!"

"Really (y/n)? That's great!" Kirishima called, clapping me on the back.

"Yeah! I've always wanted to fully meet your mom! Now I can," Mina said, leaning up against Sero.

"She's staying with Ai right now, of course, but since Ai was already staying with Kacchan's parents, they're just both in his house," I said, looking to Kacchan. He sneered at me, shrugging.

"Awe, you should go with your girlfriend to see her mom," Kaminari teased. He was getting bolder and bolder by the day, which would not bode well for him in the future.

"Fuck off." Kaminari slung am arm around my shoulder, smirking at me.

"He's just grumpy because you didn't walk to class with him."

"I am not! You fucking extra," Kacchan scoffed. Kaminari gave me a skeptical look and I just stifled a laugh. "That's...good to heard about your mom."

"I know, thanks Kacchan," I replied. I ruffled his hair a little and he squirmed away, giving me a mean expression. I glanced to Sero and Kaminari who seemed shocked Kacchan had even let me touch him. I guess that was out of character to see, at least for them.

"Alright, sit down now," Aizawa-sensei called, standing up at the front. I smiled at the group before seating myself in my desk. I was sure Kacchan would soon have something to say about my mother. "As you all know, you'll be picking your second internship. You can choose to stay with the same mentor, or choose a different one that shows interest in you."

I was desperately hoping that Wash had noticed me and was willing to take me on. I remember seeing him once or twice when my mother had mentioned him or was seen with him on TV. He would be perfect for my quirk, and I severely wanted to learn from him.

"I'll be handing out slips with the list of pro heroes that have taken interest in you," Aizawa said, taking a stack of cards around the size of an index card in his hand. He passed them around, each student taking a look at their card.

"Wow, you got Hawks, huh Tokoyami?" I glanced over at Tsu who had said it. I pressed my lips in a thin line, keeping a laugh from escaping my chest. Even though I was nervous, I still thought it funny the bird quirks would he working together if Tokoyami chose to work with Hawks. I hadn't heard too much the first time Tokoyami interned with him. Aizawa-sensei placed a card on my desk, allowing me to flip it over.

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