Exhausted | Chpt 95

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^ A mini story about Deku and (y/n).



(Y/n)'s POV

I collapsed onto my bed, letting out a huge sigh. I still had homework to complete which I had intended to do when I got back from my internship with Wash.

"Now take all that towards your center and just shoot. I've seen your classmate Aoyama, he's quite skilled in this area, though so am I," Wash said, patting his front where the window of his washing machine door was. Wash was trying to get my concentration up so that I could focus power behind my water. Control wasn't so much of an issue. "Keep it up Shoji!"

He was busy smashing holes in brick. It was sort of how martial arts could train someone to break wood, but Shoji in his tall and muscular frame was cracking through bricks.

"Ah ah, no getting distracted," Wash said, pushing my face back towards my own target. I was supposed to push a weighted dummy as far as possible with one solid stream of water. I placed my dominant foot in front of me, turning towards the side like Wash had instructed. I held my arm out in front of me.

Wash had told me I was too tense in my movements which was why I was failing to see any improvement. I relaxed, but kept my core tight and grounded. I shot water out my palm, feeling it flood from my feet. I grounded myself, the bottoms of my shoes sliding to stick in the ground. It hit the dummy, pushing it along like I could normally do. I reset my posture as I relaxed, focusing in on the blast. This would not go like it had with Todoroki that one time. I let out a breath, and with it the dummy suddenly went flying to smash into the wall. My hand dropped immediately as I leapt back slightly, glancing at Wash sheepishly. Shoji stopped, dropping his hand to his side instead of to the wall.

"Oh my All Might! Now that's what I call progress!" Wash exclaimed, offering up a large fist to bump. My legs felt quite like jello at this moment, but I didn't care. That would lessen with practice. I bumped his fist and he took me by the hand with a solid tug. I plopped on one of the sides of the washing machine. He tugged up Shoji, mentioning something about food.

"Usually I am not the one to be carried," Shoji said and I chuckled slightly.

Now that it was time to do homework, I just felt exhausted. I forced myself up and sat down heavy on my desk chair. I glanced at the small calendar on my wall. I had to meet with Joue today. Damn it. Not to mention I wanted to see my mother. I glanced at my backpack, tugging out the reading we were to complete for English. When was this due? I started scanning over it and highlighting things so that it might look like I was analyzing. I was pretty good at English so it didn't matter anyways. I kept a close eye on time, dashing out the door when I finished. I still had some math and an article about hero history to look over. I ran into Kacchan, who stopped me by my arms.

"Where are you going?"


"Really?! I have to meet with Endeavor tonight. I won't get to see you," he said. It appeared that he had been heading to come see me.

"Come with me then."

"I've got to do homework."

"Damn it."

"Well I can—"

"No, it's fine. We'll just walk to class tomorrow morning. I'm going to be late, sorry," I said, patting his arm. He watched me take off. It seemed as though our schedules conflicted. When it was my brief free time he was with Joue or Endeavor or at his license class. When he was free, I was with Joue or Wash or with my mother. We both had homework and training to do. I rubbed at my eyes, feeling tired. I was let back immediately, late by a few minutes. I collapsed in a bean bag and Joue peered at me, analyzing my current state.

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